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If most people feel this way, does it mean that it's "normal" to feel this way?

I torment myself with similar thinking.

1. Objectively speaking I have achieved a lot in my life, from where I started to where I am now, I am living the American dream, and then some.

2. I KNOW that I have a lot of unfulfilled potential. No, it's not the sugar-coated way to say that I am a loser, my "problem" is non-crippling anxiety: while I seem to be perfectly functioning on society, I procrastinate A LOT, and I suffer fro "failure-to-launch" syndrome.

I am getting better but not better enough.

Case in point this morning I was thinking about starting my own "100 days of rejection therapy" in order to improve. The kicker? When Jia Jang's TED talk came out in 2017 I told myself I was gong to do it. Today, 5 yers later, I am still thinking about it, and NOT doing it. FML.

Steven Pressfield calls it "Resistance", I call it Anxiety. Regardless, I can't help but wonder if:

1. The economy must lose trillions of dollars in loss productivity and loss opportunity due to resistance/anxiety

2. Is there a business to be made addressing this problem. It is a problem, but how to address it and monetize it?

I think people that were told that they were special and that they'd amount to something great as children are the ones that suffer most from this mentality.

The expectation of performance was artificially inflated which leads to difficulty dealing with failure and constant feelings of dissatisfaction.

Maybe. I have mixed feelings about your statement.

Growing up the messages to me were quite the opposite (without going into details), and now here I am, fully grown adult, full of doubt, uncertainties, fears, full of Anxieties that prevent me from achieving my full potential.

I guess your overall principal is correct, we all know people that fit your statement; at the same time individual experiences and reactions to those experience are also big contributors to outcomes.

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