Thank you so much for your feedback.
what you say makes a lot of sense.
I take this into consideration, but it must also be borne in mind that if I load templates into the PWA, the user has to install them every time (although maybe you could do some smart caching, but that's not the only point) and the same thing who use the node.js version.
I went to the "try online" immediately and couldn't figure out how to do anything, I even opened my console expecting an error..could pass a query param with that button that pops up some help text or something to get started.
Thank you for your feedback.
What a pity that you gave up. If you want you can continue watching the rest of the site. The videos in my opinion are very beautiful and descriptive. My partner did them all.
You can find them all on the youtube channel.
Please note that you can upload an existing project -> Zip a folder and start editing!