terminals are used by sysadmins/software developers/hackers
HN the most important resource in this category
their product has the hotspot
they should be fixing the telemetry ASAP (i'd suggest - before next release) or else their product will be forgotten for a while and next time it comes up everyone will be sceptical to upvote again
There are 1000s of developers who use the terminal for simple things like running dev workflows - git checkout, build, edit code, send a PR, etc. It seems wrap is trying automate things here to help these developers.
Just because there are plenty of bash wizards who don't like this, it doesn't mean this isn't useful.
There are still plenty of users who swear by Vim / Emacs. I've been a software engineer for 10 years at a FAANG and never use Vim to write code.
terminals are used by sysadmins/software developers/hackers
HN the most important resource in this category
their product has the hotspot
they should be fixing the telemetry ASAP (i'd suggest - before next release) or else their product will be forgotten for a while and next time it comes up everyone will be sceptical to upvote again