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McGill must reckon with the reality of MK Ultra (2020) (mcgilltribune.com)
42 points by jka on March 30, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

as far as I can discern (guessing) this relates to the scientific methodical study of torture, interrogation, and trauma-based personality restructuring.

I have no reason to believe they ever stopped, they took their results and continued to refine their processes in the shadows, away from oversight, accountability, and without ever publicly releasing the scientific results they achieved at such terrible costs for their victims.

> failing to release study documents to survivors.

> I have no reason to believe they ever stopped

They certainly haven't given us one.

Posted after seeing some of the discussion at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30851245

Roughly speaking: people who seem to enjoy having power and control over other human beings find opportunities to do so, and so it's important to be wary of that trend when unusual research takes place within your region or organization.

These psy-ops have come along way from the antiquated MK-Ultra operation. See: https://youtu.be/LQucESRF3Sg Minds of Men Documentary https://youtu.be/w9N5Y1-gkJo Investigating pretty interesting cases.

Single-page list of 149 subprojects, http://www.christophersebela.com/tumblr/a-list-of-mkultra-su...

FOIA documents, requested in 1990s, released in 2004 & 2018, https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/cia-mkultra-co...

HN ranking for this story (demoted from #5 to #100), https://hnrankings.info/30853793/

If citizens are paying for psy-war offensive research, can they also pay and benefit from psy-war defensive research?

Why was the ranking demoted over 100 spots in less than 5 minutes?

Just the rhythm of the algorithm baby!

Maybe it was flagged?

Why do people even think that we can have a civilization by only making morally-sound decisions?

These types of experiments were reasoned to benefit the collective at the cost of the few. Which might be a decision one would make, if the factor to optimize for is the long term prosperity of the collective. Morality is relative, individualized, ambiguous, and always changing. Concluding that morality is not a stable pillar for civilization.

So why are we sitting here asking the government to be accountable to our morality?

I think morality is trending.

I think what happened is the government started to get good at Public Relations. Morality has become a reason fed to us for justification of legislation that somehow takes something from us. The irony is, government decisions cannot be biased by morality in principle.

A lot of these experiments were scientists playing god for not much good reason other than they could.

Morality trending is a good thing, touch grass (as the saying goes)

MkGill University

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