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The 19 Year Old Who Created the Behind the Steve Jobs Apple Logo (dailydot.com)
14 points by a5seo on Oct 7, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I really do find the design creative and well executed, but I think Apple should not officially support it. In my eyes, any variation of a company logo weakens the brand. Yes, Google has a variation of theirs every week it seems, but it's in an environment they control. When you fail to control of you brand, it can degrade to Calvin-peeing-on-Ford stickers. Looking at his past, I think someone as meticulous as Jobs (https://plus.google.com/107117483540235115863/posts/gcSStkKx...) would object to having his image on the logo. What's the first name that comes to mind when you see the Apple logo anyway? Woz? Amelio? Cook?

The Apple brand/identity Jobs created is now a culture/company that is larger than Jobs himself. It has and will continue to outlive him.

Just as another note, that picture was used on the front page of the biggest newspaper in Israel regarding the news story.

It's your turn Apple.

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