One thing that movie ratings don't take into account, including this one, is: what am I in the mood for? I'd like to type into netflix, "I'm in the mood for James Bond meets Spirited Away", have it perhaps give me a few yes/no choices, and make recommendations based on that.
I also strongly recommend . The recommendations are great, although it tends to give them very narrowly (very similar movies, rather than related movies you might enjoy but are in a different style). The name is also very unfortunate, but I love it.
I can't imagine too many people who wouldn't like that system. If only there was some way to introduce this idea to some kind of tech start-up community.
Well I think in this case, all you would need are some categories or tagging in goodfilms. Tagging would be kind of cool going past genres to things like mood, like a "easy watching" tag or something.