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> The movement towards free and open source software was created in no small part do to activists with a very strong ideology.

This is true, and an argument that keeps getting repeated, but isn't the same issue. The politics of open source software are about software. How it's made and how it's used.

The modern push is about injecting outside ideology into software (and everywhere else). Bringing geo, gender, and racial politics into software is a whole lot different than software politics in software.

Either you or I misread GP, because I don't see any disagreement. GP points out that FLOSS movement was and is inclusive by design, while this modern development is exclusive by design against people who disagree with the person's opinions.

Yep, not disagreeing with them at all on their overall point. I just see this "FLOSS is inherently political" line floated a lot, and wanted to point out that it's a false equivalence. I probably could have made that clearer.

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