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> We don’t need more whinging by men...

What if the "whinging" is done by women? Or non-white men? Do Ukranian men get a pass for now, considering it's their country that is being invaded?

Seriously, this is a sexist qualifier. It speaks volumes about your ideology that it is important what kind of people believe something, rather than just evaluating the idea on it's merits.

> Also, there’s certainly a subset of people with genuinely shitty views that don’t like that tech circles are becoming less of a save haven.

Is it so wrong to want feel a sense of belonging somewhere? Especially if many of those people with "shitty views" actually helped make tech such a desirable industry to work in?

In general a person's ideology is not the best filter of their quality or whether they should be included in a community. A lot of toxic people hold the "correct" beliefs.

> Open source / free software philosophy’s demand for apolitical stoicism is dripping with privilege and the way people treat the ramblings of RMS et al as inherently infallible just because it helped push this industry through its infancy shows how immature this industry is.

FOSS is far from apolitical. What it is, is relentlessly focused on its mission. Many of these virtue signaling acts do nothing for their claimed political goals and at the same time undermine the great good FOSS had brought to the world. That you don’t understand this is a sign of your own immaturity.

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