If there is anything out there with the capacity to "know", perhaps one day they'll find our ruins and compose some art along the lines of Shelley's poem Ozymandias. As I've been enjoyed the sci-fi of Adrian Tchaikovsky of late[0], I hope that it's sentient octupuses who can express the tragedy and mystery of our downfall in a dance of colour and movement.
If there is anything out there with the capacity to "know", perhaps one day they'll find our ruins and compose some art along the lines of Shelley's poem Ozymandias. As I've been enjoyed the sci-fi of Adrian Tchaikovsky of late[0], I hope that it's sentient octupuses who can express the tragedy and mystery of our downfall in a dance of colour and movement.
[0]: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/we-are-going-on-an-adven...