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Except the very idea of a "franchise" will also come under attack when computers can develop narrative, character development, plot devices, world build, etc.

Nobody will want Star Wars when a computer can make Galaxy Dragons and turn it into an epic 100 episode saga. Like your Count Dooku memes? Wait until you hear about Lord Drago Starstream.

And if the concept of a computer developing all of this still seems as far off as "Level 5 autonomous driving", note that with media there will be lots of intermediate steps with humans still in the loop. Just give humans knobs and dials and a "reset" button. Plot the story on a graph, drag the nodes. Nobody dies with this. Human editors can control for quality. There's plenty of automation opportunity until computers become outright storytellers.

Disney and their IP war chest are gonna be toast.

I've been hoping for exactly what you're describing for several years now.

Personally I want Xenomorph protagonist remake genre. Basically a genre where you take a movie and remake it with the protagonist being a xenomorph that the rest of the cast is only vaguely aware of as being a xenomorph.

So xenomorph renegade police detective movie where the detective is a xenomorph who gets kicked off the case, slams his badge onto the cheifs desk, skitters into a vent, and then proceeds to eat the bad guys. All while the other policemen comment about how xenomorph cop is reckless and plays by his own rules.

I love it! I'd totally watch that. (Kindergarten Cop with Xenomorphs? Heck yeah!)

This is my dream too. I'm working on it right now!

It's not perfect at the outset, but I've got a 10 year plan to make every step functional, increasingly monetizable, increasingly professional, and will work my way up the capability ladder one rung at a time.

I'd love to hear from other engineers interested in media, storytelling, graphics, etc. (My email is in my profile.)

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