You have to judge how much involvement to have. Just signing up and forgetting about it is a pretty bad idea. But not getting insurance at all because you've heard some insurance sucks and doesn't pay out is an even worse one.
Most kinds of disaster preparedness are thankless, seemingly pointless work until the disaster in question happens.
I do agree with that much. But having a manager attempt to fire me under false pretences was, subjectively, the worst and most stressful experience of my life; I've had scary medical incidents but those are something everyone is on your side for, a human actively trying to wreck your life is so much worse. YMMV I guess.
You have my sympathies. I just don't think unions are going to help on balance here.
If someone doesn't want to work with you anymore, they should be allowed to just fire you. Instead of having to come up with false pretenses.
See also how Orange in France ended up bullying their own employees in order to entice them to quit; mostly because they weren't allowed to just fire them. (Some of the victims were even driven into suicide.)