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Launch HN: Slai (YC W22) – Build ML models quickly and deploy them as apps
130 points by Mernit on March 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 54 comments
Hi HN, we’re Eli and Luke from Slai (https://www.slai.io/hn/62203ae9ee716300083c879b). Slai is a fast ML prototyping platform designed for software engineers. We make it easy to develop and train ML models, then deploy them as production-ready applications with a single link.

ML applications are increasingly built by software engineers rather than data scientists, but getting ML into a product is still a pain. You have to set up local environments, manage servers, build CI/CD pipelines, self-host open-source tools. Many engineers just want to leverage ML for their products without doing any of that. Slai takes care of all of it, so you can focus on your own work.

Slai is opinionated: we are specifically for software developers who want to build models into products. We cover the entire ML lifecycle, all the way from initial exploration and prototyping to deploying your model as a REST API. Our sandboxes contain all the code, dataset, dependencies, and application logic needed for your model to run.

We needed this product ourselves. A year ago, Luke was working as a robotics engineer, working on a computationally intensive problem on a robot arm (force vector estimation). He started writing an algorithm, but realized a neural network could solve the problem faster and more accurately. Many people had solved this before, so it wasn’t difficult to find an example neural net and get the model trained. You’d think that would be the hard part—but actually the hard part was getting the model available via a REST API. It didn’t seem sensible to write a Flask app and spin up an EC2 instance just to serve up this little ML microservice. The whole thing was unnecessarily cumbersome.

After researching various MLOps tools, we started to notice a pattern—most are designed for data scientists doing experimentation, rather than software engineers who want to solve a specific problem using ML. We set out to build an ML tool that is designed for developers and organized around SWE best practices. That means leaving notebooks entirely behind, even though they're still the preferred form factor for data exploration and analysis. We've made the bet that a normal IDE with some "Jupyter-lite" functionality (e.g. splitting code into cells that can be run independently) is a fair trade-off for software engineers who want easy and fast product development.

Our browser-based IDE uses a project structure with five components: (1) a training section, for model training scripts, (2) a handler, for pre- and post-processing logic for the model and API schema, (3) a test file, for writing unit tests, (4) dependencies, which are interactively installed Python libraries, and (5) datasets used for model training. By modularizing the project in this way, we ensure that ML apps are functional end-to-end (if we didn't do this, you can imagine a scenario where a data scientist hands off a model to a software engineer for deployment, who's then forced to understand how to create an API around the model, and how to parse a funky ML tensor output into a JSON field). Models can be trained on CPUs or GPUs, and deployed to our fully-managed backend for invoking via a REST API.

Each browser-based IDE instance (“sandbox”) contains all the source code, libraries, and data needed for an ML application. When a user lands on a sandbox, we remotely spin up a Docker container and execute all runtime actions in the remote environment. When a model is deployed, we ship that container onto our inference cluster, where it’s available to call via a REST API.

Customers have so far used Slai to categorize bills and invoices for a fintech app; recognize gestures from MYO armband movement data; detect anomalies in electrocardiograms; and recommend content in a news feed based on previous content a user has liked/saved.

If you’d like to try it, here are three projects you can play with:

Convert any image into stylized art - https://www.slai.io/hn/62203ae9ee716300083c879b

Predict Peyton Manning’s Wikipedia page views - https://www.slai.io/hn/6215708345d19a0008be3f25

Predict how happy people are likely to be in a given country - https://www.slai.io/hn/621e9bb3eda93f00081875fc

We don’t have great documentation yet, but here’s what to do: (1) Click “train” to train the model; (2) Click the test tube icon to try out the model - this is where you enter sentences for GPT-2 to complete, or images to transform, etc; (3) Click “test model” to run unit tests; (4) Click “package” to, er, package the model; (5) Deploy, by clicking the rocket ship icon and selecting your packaged model. “Deploy” means everything in the sandbox gets turned into a REST endpoint, for users to consume in their own apps. You can do the first 3 steps without signup and then there’s a signup dialog before step 4.

We make money by charging subscriptions to our tool. We also charge per compute hour for model training and inference, but (currently) that's just the wholesale cloud cost—we don't make any margin there.

Our intention with Slai is to allow people to build small, useful applications with ML. Do you have any ideas for an ML-powered microservice? We’d love to hear about apps you’d like to create. You can create models from scratch, or use pretrained models, so you can be really creative. Thoughts, comments, feedback welcome!

Congrats on the launch. I'm quite impressed.

Here are my unordered thoughts.

So it seems a lot like an improved colab with a deployment stage. Which sounds good to me, it will be much more expensive than colab though.

I like the pitch of SWEs doing ML instead of pitching towards Data Scientists. As Data Scientist turned SWE I still miss the Jupyter like cell based execution. (you said it exists but I couldn't find it.)

In general I'm quite sceptical when it comes to online IDEs. However, for Text and Image based models it might be enough (since you don't need tooo much code).

There might be a valid niche between colab on the one side and building it yourself with AWS cli on the other.

I wonder though, in your target market it really isn't such a big deal to spin up a rest api, there are no lambdas with GPU though (but this should be a matter of time). Or use something like AWS batch for remote training. It will come down to: Is it more convenient to code in your IDE and you handle Lambda, Batch Docker and CD. Or do you code in your own IDE and you have to handle this stuff yourself.

Wish you all the best!

Hi, thanks for checking it out! You bring up some great points.

When it comes to SWEs doing ML, our goal to bring together a bunch of apps that get people most of the way to something they can bring into production.

I appreciate your skepticism of online IDEs, and it’s unlikely we’ll ever completely replace notebooks or whatever IDEs people prefer hacking on locally. Instead, we’d like to take a hybrid approach, in which our online IDE is sufficient for making minor tweaks to a model after its in production, but the brunt of development can still happen locally, in which changes would be pushed to Git and synced with our online IDE.

It’s true that SWEs can deploy their own APIs, but that feels like an unnecessary annoyance to take for granted. At a high level you’re just setting up an API, but really you’re also going to setup some versioning system and a Docker file and monitoring, and all of that adds up to a lot of cognitive overhead.

BTW - the Jupyter-like cell execution can be turned on by clicking the “Interactive Mode” button on the bottom right corner of the IDE.

Makes a lot of sense! It really is true that ML models kind of live in its own little world with their training loop and should interact with the rest through a rest api. And now and then new data gets added for training, as well as the api should change a bit, maybe we tweak the labels. You managed to encapsulate that part. I might port one of our text model to it to try it out :)

Would love to hear how it goes! Reach out if you have any questions - we've ported over quite a few text models.

One other quick question. Have you built the ide yourself or are you using a provider? It looks pretty cool.

The core code editor itself uses Monaco (the same thing under the hood of VSCode), but everything else is custom (i.e. file browser, language server, syntax highlighting, tabs, etc.)

Firstly, I can't believe you have enough instances to resist the HN hug of death, with so many people presumably running tests. So that is impressive.

Secondly, I ran the train -> test cycle and I didn't see any error metrics. Is the idea that if we were spinning up our own we would be outputting these ourselves? Or would we have trained up the model somewhere else and we would transfer it to SLAI to do a final test and then package it?

We tried to keep our testing workflow as flexible as possible. There's a couple of use-cases that we wanted to allow:

- User is working with a pre-trained model that already went through extensive testing during training. In this case our test utilities are useful as e2e tests. Once you integrate the model into your handler, you can specify a bunch of test cases to be sure your API is going to behave as expected (like a unit test).

- User wants to train the model on our platform - they can add error metrics directly in their training script and prevent the model from being saved if any error metric exceeds a certain threshold. They can then additionally use the test.py script to run tests against the model + handler.

This is essentially HuggingFace models + aws cdk deployed over lambda. They are your biggest competition but likely there is room for more. I think the key difference here is the training part, which can be done by Sagemaker. If aws makes it user friendly, they will be a serious threat. Good luck!

We think developer experience is the factor that has been sorely lacking from the ML tooling space. I’m curious how your experience using Sagemaker has been?

I heard that SageMaker wasn't great and was not prioritized by Amazon anymore. Definitely could be wrong.

Sagemaker is fine. Works with Huggingface not quite out of the box, but close.

This seems pretty cool! I deployed a model to a REST endpoint and am trying to test it out now using a Jupyter notebook running Python.

Two things that happened to me:

1) I wasn't able to install `slai` using Pip and PyPi. I ended up downloading the source tarball from https://pypi.org/project/slai/#files and installing locally.

2) I am following the example for how to "Integrate" my model using Python under the "Metrics" tab. However, the call to `model = slai.model("foobarbaz")` is failing. It looks like the regex check for `MODEL_ROUTE_URI` from line 21 in `model.py` doesn't like my custom email address :(. For example, the following model endpoint isn't valid according to the regex: "s@slai.io/foo-bar-baz/initial" (My custom email is very similar to `s@slai.io`). I'll post the regex below.

`MODEL_ROUTE_URI = r"([A-Za-z0-9]+[\._]?[A-Za-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3})/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]*)"`

Just wanted to let you know! Looking forward to experimenting with this more.

The second SDK issue w/ the regex is resolved. Just bumped latest version to 0.1.70. If you upgrade you should be good to go. Still haven't been able to reproduce your issue with pip.

Can confirm it works now! Thanks.

Thanks for the heads up - yep, looks like a bug in our SDK. Should have a new version out shortly that handles it.

Weird that you weren't able to install the slai sdk via pip, we just released a new version of the SDK this morning, unsure if that's related. I'll take a look into that this afternoon.

Thanks for trying it out!

Congratulations on the launch guys. Product need seems clear to me & is a painpoint that I've felt most acutely in side projects that I've worked on outside of our company's devoted CI infrastructure.

Are you planning any git or IDE integration? Most of the magic here seems to happens in the backend with easier training, scheduling, and inference. Could this be enabled locally so devs iterate in an environment that's more comfortable to them?

Hey - thanks!

Yeah we've been thinking about this quite a bit. We've explored a couple of options here - I think our first pass is going to be a way to synchronize an external git repository with a sandbox. Would love to hear your thoughts here on what kind of workflow might make the most sense.

I think long term we'll also add VSCode integration through an extension, but that might be a few months out.

Very interesting!

So when a user trains a model you guys startup a docker container with everything in it. You guys bind the container's ports to the host and add it to some key value store that a reverse proxy references. Is that correct?

Sorry, I'm just really curious. It's a really interesting project. Do you guys have anything open source?

Much of the complexity in the sandbox is in ensuring that the development environment behaves as it it would in production - but also that it loads as fast as possible. So we have to do a bit of stuff behind the scenes involving dynamically linking libraries, provisioning Kubernetes resources, etc. But generally that's about right.

We've haven't open-sourced any of it yet, but there are definitely a few components of our system that we'll open source once we feel they're stable enough.

I'm sorry I don't have any experience with Kubernetes

What benefit would Kubernetes bring to this architecture? You can create and destroy docker container using the api.

What do you guys use Kubernetes for?

Kubernetes gives you a ton of extra tools that allow us to manage the lifecycle of our sandboxes, deployed models, asynchronous training jobs, etc.

Internally, each pod is just running a docker image. You could probably throw something together with docker/the docker API - but in our case we needed a bit more control.

Hey Eli!

Thanks for the helpful responses!

I sent you an email regarding a possible internship opportunity. Are you guys open to interns?

Awesome! This or something like it is going to bring ML to the (SWE) masses. Congrats and hoid luck and thanks!


I looked a bit more at your service, since I am migrating one of our text classification models anyways right now. I decided against using it but maybe my reasoning could still be helpful. (and I see a lot of potential so I want to help)

What I am using instead is a combination of AWS Batch and Colab. My reasoning:

# Local Development

Yes it is true that ML code can be quite well separated from the rest. But then there is data. So the extract and load step. I know you have bindings to for example Postgres but I wouldn't trust you with my DB.

And always moving over files could be done (we keep a backup anyways) but it would be more of a hassle. Also even for the actual ML code it is nice to have it in an actual IDe with a good debugger etc. I prefer to code your ML code locally and then just package it and send it away to be trained.

Also, yes there is a cost to set up the infrastructure but I prefer to solve that with code generation/templates and libraries (to send your docker to Lambda for inference and Batch/Colab for training). It is a cost that is paid once and then never again.

# Price

Your gpu instance costs 1 dollar an hour which is about 3 times as much as a p2.xlarge spot instance (which I assume is the closest one). Colab of course is 10 bucks a month / free. This is ignoring AWS credits for now. (would also be good to know which exact GPU you provide)

Congrats on the launch!

Overall I like the idea and I agree with you, either the tools are too focused on Data Scientists or there are a lot of DevOps involved to get things started

I work on the field so I have some questions:

- Are there any plans to connect the project into a git repo?

- Is there any option for me to pass trained binaries to your product? For example I have a beast of a machine and I can easily train things locally, but I'd like to host the inference with you guys

- Do you intend to allow automated testing and linting?

Hi, thanks for the questions! We're planning on adding a way to synchronize a git repo to a sandbox, should be out by April.

Right now, you can upload a trained binary to a sandbox and return it from the train function, and then use it for inference. So it's a bit manual at this point, but we're planning on improving that workflow shortly.

We built linting and testing into the sandbox, but testing is currently triggered manually - we're planning on building both into our CI/CD system (scheduled training)

This is cool. It took me a while to figure out that you want people to click the test button on the sidebar to try it out, not the "Test model" buttons unit tests in the bottom right side. Unit tests might benefit from a different kind of icon. I tried the "Interactive Mode" toggle button too, and that didn't do anything obvious.

Thanks for checking us out! We sort of anticipated that — we just launched the unit test feature this week, and it’s not easily distinguished from the test panel. We’ll probably rename the test panel to something more descriptive, like API runner. Interactive mode is a feature to set interactive breakpoints in your code, it’s really useful for iterating on individual blocks of code without having to run the entire app E2E.

Your website pitches this product SO well. Kudos.

Thanks, that means a lot! We've spent a lot of time thinking about the pitch, given how many other ML tools are out there. We're hoping to strike a chord with simplicity and developer experience.

this is pretty cool! especially the opinionated structuring part.

now Sagemaker allows u to download ur running code and docker (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/data-wrangle...) . Also allows u to simulate local running - https://github.com/aws/sagemaker-tensorflow-training-toolkit

rather than anything else, this is basically just a way to calm worries about lock-in. Google ML resisted this for a long time, but even they had to finally do it - https://cloud.google.com/automl-tables/docs/model-export

are you planning something similar ?

We have been planning an "eject" feature that would let you develop in our app, but then export your artifact as a docker image you can spin up in your own cluster (or whatever). This is a necessity for customers who require on-premise deployments.

However, this is probably a few months out since we're currently focused on startups/developers that don't have that requirement.

Sorry i haven't look at this properly yet - keen to know if i can upload a customer pre-trained model using any of the popular libraries (pytorch, keras etc) and just do the deployment as an app with Slai?

Yep! You can upload pre-trained models — just upload a pickled binary of your model into the “data” section of the sandbox and then load and return the object in the train function.

We chose to do it this way to ensure that the binary you upload is properly tracked in our versioning system, and that it can be integrated into your handler.

Superb! Can we implement a paper like this? https://github.com/nv-tlabs/editGAN_release

Really interesting - could definitely support the model itself. Might require a bit of conversation to figure out how to port the tool they use to interact with the model over.

How you guys compare with sagemaker? It also lets you bring in custom containers as training and (batch/real-time) inference phase.

On paper, Sagemaker does everything, but they don’t do many of those things well. I think Sagemaker is a great product for enterprises who want to maximize the products procured from a single vendor — it’s easy to buy Sagemaker when all of your infra is already on AWS.

It’s fairly painful to productionize a model on Sagemaker — they make you think about a lot of things and fit into AWS primitives. Besides the code for the model, we don’t force users to think about anything. Our focus is helping engineers get models into production, not reading documentation.

Using our tool, you can fork a model and deploy it to production right away — there’s no time spent battling AWS primitives. We’re focused on developer experience above everything else - which means we enforce sandboxes on our platform to be consistent and reproducible.

I had the similar idea in 2018, to transfer AI model to API endpoints. but I did not do anything. :cry

Cool product! are you guys using wasm under the hood?

Hi - Luke (CTO) here. Thanks! Yeah, we're using WASM for things some things in the editor like syntax highlighting. Planning on moving most of the network logic into WASM shortly as well.

great - I sent you a note over on LI. Hoping we can jam a bit on the network logic and tooling available to fast track things.

How is your product different than SageMaker ? Why can't I replicate the same functionality with SageMaker endpoints ?

Amazing. About time sometime built a good replacement for sagemaker! Congrats on the launch

What is your plan, how am I going to be able to automatically feed the model with data?

We have a data integrations feature that allows you to connect external data sources (e.g. S3) with your sandbox.

You can basically combine this with "Scheduled Training", and it'll retrain your model on a schedule - pulling in the new data. This is V1 and does not yet handle more complex, event based retraining. This is something we know is crucial for tons of use cases and we're planning on adding it in the coming months.

Happy to chat and get your feedback on what kind of event sources you might want to trigger the model to retrain on new data.

Congratulations on launch. How’s slai different from huggingface?

Hi, thanks! The main difference is that HuggingFace contains a huge repository of pretrained models, whereas we're providing the scaffolding to build your own end to end applications. For example, in Slai you could actually embed a HuggingFace model (or maybe two models), combine them into one application, along with API serialization/deserialization, application logic, CI/CD, versioning, etc.

You can think of us as being a store of useful ML based microservices, and not just a library of pre-trained models.

Sounds good, but you can actually train and deploy with HuggingFace.


Looking forward to seeing your success, good luck.

We would like to talk to you. We are in San Jose, CA

How you guys compare with sagemaker?

We would like to talk to you

Hi! Feel free to shoot us an email, founders@slai.io

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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