As a German citizen, you should be aware that your country just veto’s sanctions on Russia so that they could keep the flow of natural gas coming. Your ex-Chancellor decommissioned your nuclear power plants so that you would buy more Russian gas, and he now is on the board of Gazprom and heads the company behind Nordstream 2. Also, petroleum cars are one of your biggest industries. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
> It appears the CO2 emission standards can be achieved overnight simply by boycotting of all goods produce in countries where there is zero qualms about CO2 emissions, namely coal based power plants, which Western allied nations are more than happy to sell and point the finger at the said country they are exploiting.
You just spent paragraphs virtue signaling while turning up your nose at people less harmful than your own. Clearly you care enough to keep coming back you glutton for punishment :P
> This is my observation as a German looking into the West's mindset, its riddled with hypocrisy and self-contradictory ethic system aimed at distracting its citizens from the truth that their comforts are at the cost to this planet and rest of humanity.
I think people are reading this, perhaps incorrectly, as you considering Germany and yourself to be on the outside of this phenomenon, rather than a part of it.