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In Sweden, we use week-number quite often, but it is nowhere to be found in our calendar software, so, there is a webpage that just displays what week it is now, nothing else..

also: vecka = week

nu = now

I always feel cognitively impaired for a few seconds when I am discuss some planing aspect with product managers, they all keep using week numbers as if that provided any form of intuition to other mortals.

For those using macOS or iOS, week numbers can be toggled on in the calendar settings! Really useful if you need to frequently reference the week. Unsure about Windows and Android.

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hehe, came here to post the same page :-) I'm using it every week since in the software development project I'm in we're using week numbers for all planning. Fun fact for vecka.nu, the favicon is updated each week so as to show the number of the week.

What time is it?


I guess you don't need the "year progress" reminders as much!

also https://ugenr.dk/ if you ever wanted the number flying out at you.

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