I literally quoted two thirds of your comment. Here’s the last piece:
> ”mindfulness" is a corporate re-packaged and whitewashed variant of buddhist meditation tradition.
This still says nothing meaningful.
“Whitewashed” is nonsense when discussing a meditation practice that’s not based on race. (Maybe you mean “westernized”, but that doesn’t create the same visceral response that bypasses critical thinking.) “Corporate” is not an actual criticism, either. It’s again an emotional appeal. The fact that some companies make money from a thing does not make a thing bad. You can check out a book from the library for free if you want to avoid giving a corporation your money.
Given that you took the time to respond and still couldn’t be bothered to say anything substantive, I am left to assume you actually don’t have a real criticism, but an axe to grind.
This is some impressive hand waving. You said literally nothing meaningful here.
> This is not something to refer to positively, or to use as a benchmark.
Lots of people find it benefits them. I would absolutely refer to a treatment that people find useful as positive.