Many commenters here have already noted the strong connection between this study findings and common Buddhist-/mindfullness-based meditation instructions.
To me it was the concept of interoception which produced the stronger callback to Buddhist themes, in this case to the notion of "sixth inner sense" commonly referred to in Pali Buddhist scriptures:
> In Buddhism, "mind" denotes an internal sense organ which interacts with sense objects that include sense impressions, feelings, perceptions and volition.[0]
I have always found this sixth sense organ a welcome –and even necessary– addition to the regular Western list of senses, as without it it is impossible to account for the bountiful nature of our inner experiences (and our perception of them, which evidently foregoes the five other physical senses). I am really glad to see we have a somewhat established (if not very well-known) comparative concept to use in the scientific framework of understanding.
And healthy minds tend towards keeping their bodies healthy too.
The issue is that it doesn’t pay to ensure everyone is mentally healthy - far from it, it many cases it pays the bills exacerbating other peoples mental illnesses :(
To me it was the concept of interoception which produced the stronger callback to Buddhist themes, in this case to the notion of "sixth inner sense" commonly referred to in Pali Buddhist scriptures:
> In Buddhism, "mind" denotes an internal sense organ which interacts with sense objects that include sense impressions, feelings, perceptions and volition.[0]
I have always found this sixth sense organ a welcome –and even necessary– addition to the regular Western list of senses, as without it it is impossible to account for the bountiful nature of our inner experiences (and our perception of them, which evidently foregoes the five other physical senses). I am really glad to see we have a somewhat established (if not very well-known) comparative concept to use in the scientific framework of understanding.
edit: typo and missing word