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Ask HN: Does the Unix terminal have good UX?
1 point by marto1 on Feb 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Was thinking yesterday that typing `yes` in most terminals produces an endless loop of y-s printed on the screen which has it's purpose, but might be very confusing to a newcomer. Do you guys think terminals have a good UX in general ? Any other examples of hilariously unintuitive behavior ?

Unix is user friendly. It is just picky about who its friends are.

typing `yes` in most terminals produces an endless loop of y-s

You're confusing the action of a specific app ('yes') with the general term 'good UX' that you're trying to associate with a UNIX terminal.

What is your definition of 'good UX' when applied to a terminal? (Any terminal such as those in UNIX, Windows, MacOS, etc., etc., etc.)

For their intended purposes, they have great UX once the learning curve has been tackled.

Common operations are several times more quicker via the terminal if you know what you are doing.

User experience (UX) is designed, created to provide meaningful efficient work to user

It is on Linux, indeed, does qualify

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