I've suffered from this cloning culture (for those who find strange the 'culture' part, it's because in some countries cloning something successful is an achievement that apparently is rewarded).
Personally I don't mind clones, ideas shouldn't be owned by anyone, you want to make a better packing game? Ok, go on. But use your own assets, situations, music, etc. Cloning something to try to trick users into thinking yours is the real one is just despicable. And if you don't give credit or even monetize what isn't yours...please consider your life choices.
They shouldn't, but the complexity required to be considered different is usually less. For example you probably wouldn't say that Crash bandicot is a clone of Mario Bros, even though both are 2d platformers. But for music or images even if they are only half the same they feel like clones.
Also depends on how 'concept' is defined. Two games where you "unpack things" can be vastly different, but two games where "you unpack things from a packing box and place them on small diorama-like rooms without any objective" is hard to differentiate.
All assets have degrees of genres (platform/shooter/..., rap/classic/..., pixelart/medieval/...). But the amount of things you need to change in order to create an "original work" is not the same for all of them.
>For example you probably wouldn't say that Crash bandicot[sic] is a clone of Mario Bros, even though both are 2d platformers.
Ehm, I don't know whether this supports or hurts your argument, but Crash Bandicoot is 3d (or at least 2.5d) and has an entirely different type of gameplay than either the 2d or the 3d Mario games.
Personally I don't mind clones, ideas shouldn't be owned by anyone, you want to make a better packing game? Ok, go on. But use your own assets, situations, music, etc. Cloning something to try to trick users into thinking yours is the real one is just despicable. And if you don't give credit or even monetize what isn't yours...please consider your life choices.