But Rust isn't remotely a simplified version of Haskell, and I'm not sure where you got that impression. It's inspired by several languages, but is predominantly a descendant of ML and C++. The only similarity they have is that Rust traits resemble Haskell typeclasses, but even there they are quite different in semantics and implementation.
I like Rust in a lot of ways, I write a fuckload of it and I get value from doing so. Not “praise the lord” value, but real value.
But the attitude is an invitation to getting made fun of. It’s absurdly intellectually dishonest when Rust-as-Religion people actively hassle anyone writing C and then get a little precious when anyone mentions Haskell and then extremely precious when they step on the landmine of the guy who likes Rust enough to know the standard, the compiler, the build tool, the people who wrote the build tool, and generally enough to put it in its place from a position of knowledge.
SSH servers? Yeah, I’d go with Rust. Web browsers? In a perfect world, lot of work. Even for Mozilla who timed the fuck out on it.
Everything ever so no security problem ever exists ever again? Someone called it the “green energy of software security” on HN like this year.
It’s not the coolest look that one of my “blow off some steam” hobbies is making those people look silly, but there are worse ways to blow off some steam.
It sounds like you’re saying, you spent a lot of time focused on learning rust, so now you like to discuss its shortcomings as abrasively as you can for sport.
Upthread I’ve already surrendered. There are certain gangs you just don’t pick a fight with. I’m a slow learner in some ways but I get the message. Got it, learning Rust nuts and bolts only makes it worse to say anything skeptical about it.
Nearly every answer you gave in this thread doesn't address the parent comments point at all.
It seems you are just raging and reading subtext and drama where there is none.
Further up someone mentioned Rust and Haskell aren't similar and you go on about Rust-religion and where to use Rust. Why don't you just address the point? "Lego" is also not a synonym or metaphor for simplified.
Your argument seems to mostly boil down to "Rust isn't magic", which nobody is really arguing. It does help eliminate one class of really nasty bugs, which tend to repeatedly show up in a lot of massive security hacks, and which generally everyone would like to see eliminated. Therefore: use Rust.
Comparisons to other languages like Haskell don't really work, since they don't fit in the same space nor have the same goals as Rust or C.