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I did feel like you and did the same as you, however I noticed I am just fighting a different fight in macOS than Linux it is not all that better you still have to fight the system to make it work for you

- Convoluted first setup , you need x-code command line tools for even say git.

- Docker doesn’t work completely for all builds and still needs a Linux vm to run

- your servers are not usually arm64 not everything works as it would locally

- node < 12 projects need Rosetta hacks which are just as annoying to get to work. Similarly support for older versions runtimes /apps /libraries limited

- Applications like Dropbox have(or had) limited or no support and only slowly adding them

- I have to still setup basic coreutils and dozen other gnu basics which either are not there or very old versions from 80s

- Procfs and other standard Linux goodies you are used to are not there .

- you have to keep in mind BSD isms and context switch. Flag order matters in BSD /Mac world rm /dir -rf won’t work but will in Linux.

- Homebrew is not too bad as package manager but compared to Linux world (apt , Pacman, yum or emerge ) it is pretty limited in features and options

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