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You can have high octane gasoline without lead. Suggesting that ethanol replaced lead is facetious.

It's also an absurd notion. Leaded gasoline to this still poisons the air of all 50 states in the form of 100LL avgas. Suggesting that a wasteful farming practice is saving us from lead is like shooting one foot off and the exclaiming that you "saved" your other foot.

> You can have high octane gasoline without lead. Suggesting that ethanol replaced lead is facetious.

I'm no expert on fuel mixtures but currently it does even if there better/worse alternatives.

> Suggesting that a wasteful farming practice is saving us from lead is like shooting one foot off and the exclaiming that you "saved" your other foot.

You are making an nonsensical generalization from a single study. This isn't black on white. Not all ethanol are corn ethanol and this is an industry that sees operational improvement year by year.

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