The principle of a decaying memory register requiring a refresh on a regular basis is actually not too far distant from how MOSFET DRAM memory works, to the extent I understand it (poorly).
Or, on a broader basis, education within a human population (we spend 15 years sinking information into the infosponges of children and hope that enough of that keeps over a lifetime to sink it into the next generation of infosponges).
Or of manuscript documents, rewritten by hand by scribes. Or palimpsests.
All data storage is ultimately a palimpsest, I'm increasingly convinced.
Or, on a broader basis, education within a human population (we spend 15 years sinking information into the infosponges of children and hope that enough of that keeps over a lifetime to sink it into the next generation of infosponges).
Or of manuscript documents, rewritten by hand by scribes. Or palimpsests.
All data storage is ultimately a palimpsest, I'm increasingly convinced.
See also, BTW, delay-line memory: