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> The other explanation, is that they actually believed what they said, which would mean they were completely insane.

It's not that insane? Like, how hard is it to clone some substantial, but lesser known, project and edit the committer to yourself? Edit the name too to something that you buy a domain for. It wouldn't hold in court, but a hiring manager in a rush won't ever be able to figure out if you did that or not.

Did you look at the portfolio? It's linked in my profile. Over 40 repos (single-source), dozens of articles (also single-source), etc.

It would be mighty hard to fake, and even a quick shufti will tell you that. My code and my writing has a very distinctive style.

It was -quite literally- the equivalent of a little kid, sticking their fingers in their ears, singing "lalalalaaaaaa-I-can't-hear-yoooouuu-lalalalaaaaaa."

Sadly, the StackOverflow Story will be going the way of the dodo, soon, so I'll have to rebuild it, manually. Pain in the ass. Since I'm no longer bothering to look for work, it won't be a priority.

I'm quite serious - if someone starts with doubting this kind of claims in general, your portfolio isn't really designed to be obviously authentic. I see blog posts on your company's website that don't attribute you personally. Same for the apps in App Store. Basically until you moved your writing to Medium, just 3 years ago, you seemed more concerned with promoting your venture than yourself.

I'm even worse at this - you'd be hard pressed to find anything of value attributed to my name since I left academia. I even don't host most of my code at Github. At least I won't be surprised by somebody not trusting my portfolio ;)

Actually, I’m moving away from Medium. When they started paywalling my writing (of course, without any recompense to me, but I don’t actually care), it was sort of a “pull-up.”

I’m not at all interested in competing with hungry kids. I wanted to keep busy, and make just enough to keep the lights on, and some insurance. I probably would have cost half as much as most folks.

I wasn’t expecting to be fawned over or flattered, but the flat-out, unapologetic disdain, made it clear that the industry is no longer a place I want to be.

I found some folks that wanted to do stuff that interested me, and I’ve been working with them, for free. They seem happy with my work, and I’m quite happy, working with them.

Also, and this is neither here, nor there, all my Git commits are GPG-signed.

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