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Lol... look at me, I'm an independent thinker who isn't subject to corporate influence of "vacuous nonsense"! Well, except for Google, Amazon, Disney and Netflix.

Can you comprehend how ridiculous you sound?

Not sure where to start on this one.

a) there's some quality content on Netflix, Amazon, Disney. Even youtube has hidden gems, although you definitely have to dig or be in the know. If you choose to watch vacuous nonsense on n those platforms, that's your choice

b) and related is that the key word you left out there was "uninvited". I'm quite happy to watch vacuous nonsense when I choose. Sometimes that's what I'm in the mood for. It feels different when it's rammed down your throat

Basically, you're conflating two separate but often adjacent things - mainstream content and corporate advertising. The whole point of streaming is that you can have the first without having the second which is kind of unprecedented in recent entertainment history.

If your meta-point was to prove how cool you are because you eschew the mainstream then... congrats?

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