Feedback to the ChildOfChaos: There were a lot of points made by the OP, which were not flat out wrong, and as you noted, are more nuanced than the OP expressed. For instance, on Macs, this is true with default settings “CreativeCloud, that universally hated DRM app that randomly maxes out your CPU,” where one has to hunt and kill Abode’s processes manually to get things under control. As for XD specifically, it was an inferior product to Sketch when it was launched, which slowed its adoption in addition to the subscription pricing (note that this is a US market-centric point of view and opinion). However, overtime XD improved (aside Figma did too), and individuals heavily invested in the CC integrations started getting enough from CC/XD to use it. The OP is likely giving a point and time opinion (at roll out), and some of the original issues presented as black-and-white are much more of shades of gray, especially when considering how things have changed with time.