Figma has a lot of features, but it just isn't snappy and a very frustrating experience a lot of times. For this reason alone, I prefer XD. I spend less time fighting the tool.
I'm a developer, so I'm mostly viewing the designs rather than making them, but I also find Figma to be clunky and awkward. I much prefer Zeplin and XD.
And with as much bullshit as Adobe throws at you with creative cloud, at least you can export .xd files.
> I'm a developer, so I'm mostly viewing the designs rather than making them, but I also find Figma to be clunky and awkward. I much prefer Zeplin and XD.
Also a dev and I also found Figma to be kind of clunky at first compared to other options. It has gotten much better though, they will never be on the level of Sketch but at the same time the biggest obstacle that Sketch has is that it's a Mac only desktop app.
Figma might be clunky, but I found it's flexibility to be a massive benefit over other tools.
To me that clunkiness was just not understanding/utilizing the true power of the tool. Once you work past that uncomfortable phase there is a eureka moment when it all snaps into place and you can't imagine doing it any other way. There is not a single Sketch feature I wish I had in Figma.