This. It has really split into two domains, but the terminology is often muddled.
It is like the difference between a person who pours concrete foundations, and a person optimizing concrete formulas. Society needs both, but the skill sets are different.
Yup, I took CS and had to go through all the rigors that entailed, but I really ended up being a construction worker. I don't mind! Really! But I think if I could do it all over again, I'd take a software engineering BS degree where most of my time was spent engineering solid software.
I did take design patterns classes and such in college, but imagine taking 200,300, and 400 level design patterns classes and learning how to architect scalable systems in the cloud or on-prem.
Of course there would be programming classes too, but I think there's some room for a program that I'm imagining. Boot camps don't cover the engineering and architecture parts so it would be somewhere between a bootcamp and a CS degree where you're writing operating systems and big endean and Big O notation
Except society doesn't actually need both "people who can solve new and interesting problems in an automated way using computers" and "people who build only easy, normal, routine, well-understood solutions to known problems using computers", because the latter is called compilers.
It is like the difference between a person who pours concrete foundations, and a person optimizing concrete formulas. Society needs both, but the skill sets are different.