Shit sells products. Straight men are a vulnerable audience to sell to. They want sex as much or more than most women and yet they have the least access to it of all people. Sell an image - get them invested in it and sell products that aim to get them somewhere. Yet - it ultimately does nothing.
I think Japan is a pretty decent model of where most of the US is going. Anime weebs and what not with waifu pillows will become much more normalized and other various forms of NEETs. But with more violence, unfortunately. I think shootings, suicides, and “accidental” deaths are going to stay the course or get worse. We’ll find ways to skew the statistics to cover this up so that we never have to address it (cause that’s require a different way of thinking about capitalism) but I don’t think this problem is going away for a few generations.
We've already seen a few outbreaks the last six or seven years:
* The Santa Barbara shooter angry at women
* The El Paso, TX and Miami, OH shooters angry about the end of white genetic pool dominance or something
* The guy who tried to go on a shooting spree in Harlem and got caught after killing an elderly Black man as practice because "Black men are taking all the White women"
Unfortunately, there are many many more examples of real world violence. If you peer into the abyss that is the online world - it seems like there are an endless amount of shooters waiting to happen in the US. It's no surprise that it happens so often. A lot of men in pain who want everyone else to experience the pain they've been feeling before they themselves commit suicide. With access to guns - it makes it so easy to do.
The biggest surprise for most women out here might be this tidbit: most men are incels until they're not. It's that some men never get out of that horrible rut and a small amount of those are the ones you see end up doing the shootings. The rest suffer silently or just kill themselves.
It's sad. Most of my female friends are completely unaware. All of my male friends are painfully aware because almost every man who ever went through that phase to any significant degree will do almost everything but forget it. Someday we'll get to the point where we acknowledge this but part of me thinks we don't ever want to. If we did - then we'd have to really change things and no one likes to change shit.
Eh, saying "they're mentally ill" (since obviously these aren't hoaxes) merely obfuscates the sociological etiology of 'mental illness', see Thomas Szasz. Brains are responding to environments largely and for the most part, brains themselves being non-uniform, unless you can demonstrate extreme pathological divergence in the individual case.
I think Japan is a pretty decent model of where most of the US is going. Anime weebs and what not with waifu pillows will become much more normalized and other various forms of NEETs. But with more violence, unfortunately. I think shootings, suicides, and “accidental” deaths are going to stay the course or get worse. We’ll find ways to skew the statistics to cover this up so that we never have to address it (cause that’s require a different way of thinking about capitalism) but I don’t think this problem is going away for a few generations.