That "reasonable subset" is to a first order approximation feminism.
All "isms" contain outliers, but it's a mistake to get too hung up them in almost all cases. One of the oldest tricks in the book for people trying to push back against idea is to identify these outliers and generate a narrative that this is what the idea is actually about - it's bad faith argument and shouldn't be engaged with.
It sure could be if you were trying to represent it as most/many men or whatever.
Which is I think what the sibling commentor was trying to say, no?
The bad faith argumentation doesn't come from the specifics of whatever group you are talking about, it comes from trying to represent a fringe view or characterization as definitive of the group, then attacking them all for it.
Take for example the current news about Canadian trucker convoy, there was some coverage of people in the convoy being pictured with swastika flags.
It's perfectly reasonable to say: "hey, what's up with the neonazi's ? Are you guys really ok with them being part of your protest?"
And it's perfectly reasonable to judge them on the response to that question. There are even nuanced answers that it's hard to judge.
However, it's a bad faith argument to jump from that to: "Canadian truckers are nazi's".
> Sibling comment to yours is writing about men who want women chained to the kitchen.
I said:
> There are examples of men who want women to be chained to the kitchen; we should consider the reasonable views though,
> Ignore the fringe elements
Emphasis added on the important parts. I was arguing there are always fringe elments, and to ignore those, not that the men who are shitheads are important to focus on. You're really twisting things around and I won't comment further on these bad-faith arguments, have a nice day.
All "isms" contain outliers, but it's a mistake to get too hung up them in almost all cases. One of the oldest tricks in the book for people trying to push back against idea is to identify these outliers and generate a narrative that this is what the idea is actually about - it's bad faith argument and shouldn't be engaged with.