To say crypto isn't being inflated by behind the scenes players or right in your face players for a matter of fact is wishful thinking. Look at how bitfinex and tether operate. Artificially pumping the price of bitcoin by purchasing with newly printed tether that many sources point to isn't actually backed by money as they claim. Same goes for many of these stable coins. The crypto industry is controlled by a powerful cartel of wealthy figures who use bought influencers and pay for play media outlets. BTC and others are the easiest way for new entities to scam the proletariat. This is no revolution of the common citizen. When a select few own the majority of btc how can one surmise that it is invented for all. For example, one btc maximalist I know claims a 100 million dollar btc is on the way. So we will have a couple thousand btc trillionaires, what a utopian vision.
Isn't crypto plagued with the same problems? Sure fiat isn't perfect but it doesn't look like crypto is solving any of those problems, as exemplified here.
well the most obvious answer to that question is, we don't.