Ilya Lichtenstein (YC S11) is the co-founder of YC-backed MixRank. Heather Morgan, his wife, is apparently a serial entrepreneur, investor, and "contributor" to Forbes.
How about the 2010s! A VC firm had a tradition of making all their portfolio companies participate in an annual rap and dance. I think I had to participate in an Gangnam style rendition. Probably not that hard to find, with that information.
Heather R. Morgan is an international economist, serial entrepreneur, and investor in B2B software companies. She is an expert in persuasion, social engineering, and game theory.
They certainly thought an awful lot of themselves - it's fascinating to dig into their public facing digital trail. If they played by the rules they'd have been living large as part of the .001% of the world.
They bought themselves a giant lead brick and chained themselves to it. It'd be sad if it weren't so stereotypically comical.
For those unfamiliar with Forbes as a platform, forms allows for independent unpaind (by Forbes) writers to submit content on their platform. If you see a scummy crowdfunding campaign or shady start up claiming "as featured in Forbes,etc etc" that's how they do it.