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> Speculation

You can do that by owning crypto. No need to use it.

> Self-sovereignty

Majority people use centralized exchanges, which regularly control transactions.

> Ease of use/trade/leverage/exchange

Fiat banking is much easier to use than crypto. It's also faster. Now everyone uses 1-tap payments. Crypto transactions are more complicated than that. They also take longer. Also are bad for the environment (not as bad as media portrays, but bad nonetheless)

Even the apps built off of the "blockchain" rarely touch the blockchain. Companies aren't looking up NFTs on the chain, they're just hitting OpenSea APIs.

I've been keeping my eye out for the inevitable attack that leverages that fact. The aftershocks would be epic.

A few counterpoints,

Speculation for IDOs usually requires directly interacting with the contract with your wallet. Likewise new tokens are found on DEXes which requires taking custody of the token.

Borrowing against crypto, leveraging it, going delta neutral, buying options are all available on chain, typically with better yields, and with a higher variety of tokens.

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