Are you a developer? Can I see your apps? I'm curios about your business model where selling coins or unlocking premium features at %30 commission instead of %15 breaks your business to the point that incorporating in 175 countries is more desirable.
I develop. No, 30% doesn't break my business majorly because my business model is not around app sales but I agree with your point that for most 15 and 30 won't break the business. But you are presenting a false dichotomy. Why are we assuming if apple doesn't offer these services, a third party won't as well? And I am not proposing that apple stop offering its payment and other distribution services but rather that third parties be allowed to do the same.
There's nothing desirable in dealing with multiple 3rd parties to reach your customers instead of one that is essentially providing equal service at equal price to (almost)everyone.
The mafia also provides services. You don't just pay them and get nothing in return. Of course, there, as here, you really have no choice but to pay; and to pay ridiculously inflated rates.
> ... at equal price
Not true. Apple's price is zero. Sucks if you're competing with them, then. Maybe we should all be thankful Apple at-least let's you compete, even if with a handicap. Unlike the mafia.