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But also extra effort from the driver = more tired driver, higher chance of accident, more mistakes and issues with every delivery.

I have not driven a truck like that personally, but I know what sort of difference all the modern assistance systems have done on my cross-continental drives. Previously a 12 hour drive would leave me absolutely exhausted, like I'd need a full day to recover after that - in a modern car with lane assist and adaptive cruise and comfortable seats and what not - I arrive relaxed every time. Long dull stretches of road don't take such a mental toll anymore.

I imagine the exact same principle applies to trucks.

In my 30s and 40's I could drive 14-16hrs a day without a problem, in a stick-shift car, in the USA. In my 50s, 10hrs is still reasonably OK.

However, a 4 or 5 hour drive on roads in the UK in an automatic modern car and I am completely exhausted.

At least for some of us, the road conditions are a far larger impact than the features of the vehicle.

Absolutely! We visited family in Italy last summer, and had an all-day drive. Just constant attention and input, compared to cruising along some 2 lane road in the US. Cars coming up behind you, whizzing by you. A slow old car up ahead. Big truck to pass. Tight curve. Road narrows. Road widens. Some dude in a BMW riding your bumper. For like 8 hours... I was so glad to get out of the car. If it hadn't been for the pandemic, I would have much rather taken a train and relaxed.

Yeah....that 12 hour drive I mentioned includes driving across the entire width of Germany and jesus it is stressful. Yes, the unlimited sections are "fun" and it's really cool to be able to drive at 150mph+ for a while when the conditions allow, but it also means you need to be on like 10x the alertness level as normal. Like really really really pay attention a lot at all times. It can be super harsh. But the last few times I'd just set the cruise control to something more sensible and just relax, with the modern systems the car basically drives itself.

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