I find VScode really slows me down. Gotta WIMP things that are 'wired' from my brain to the kbd via emacs. I honestly do not at all understand why anybody would use VScode except to cut people's productivity. At least, for me, anyway. I work in the embedded space, so C on the metal, and lots of python elsewhere.
I prefer vim, but some things VSCode has going for it:
* The plugin system seems fairly decent, and given it's popularity, there's usually a plugin for most things. There's a decent vim-mode plugin, linters that would take me a while to get working in my .vimrc, etc.
* It is fundamentally closer to a text editor than an IDE, so it'll do sane things like give you the option to use the system's python installation rather than some janky, ancient built-in version.
I dunno. I tutor for an intro programming class, getting them to install anything or work on the command line can be an uphill battle, VSCode is the best editor that will get widespread adoption in that kind of environment I think.
I use neovim in VSCode. My setup is neovim (via brew) + VSCode + VSCode Neovim (extension) + clangd (as a language server) with which I am extremely happy.
install VSCode
brew install nvim
install XCode command line utils for clangd
alternatively, install clang with brew
in VSCode install the clangd VSCode extension
in VSCode install VSCode Neovim extension
There's one bug that annoys me and I think it's a VSCode bug. You can navigate right by hitting the space bar. But tapping it multiple times corrupts the line buffer. This doesn't happen with right arrow.