* microsecond granularity on timestamps, rather than second
* transactional DDL (if a migration fails halfway through, you don't end up in a broken or inconsistent state)
* really superb documentation - clear and detailed explanations of hard stuff like locking semantics
* No silent coercion/truncation between data types
* Functional indices (as far as I can tell from http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=4990, MySQL doesn't have these)
* http://postgres.heroku.com (yeah MySQL has RDS but I've not heard great things)
* microsecond granularity on timestamps, rather than second
* transactional DDL (if a migration fails halfway through, you don't end up in a broken or inconsistent state)
* really superb documentation - clear and detailed explanations of hard stuff like locking semantics
* No silent coercion/truncation between data types
* Functional indices (as far as I can tell from http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=4990, MySQL doesn't have these)
* http://postgres.heroku.com (yeah MySQL has RDS but I've not heard great things)