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I've been following Netflix for years and 'Focus' is Hastings' singular theme. They dodged cloning Hulu, Redbox, Youtube, various 5$\movie rental options, GameFly, etc. They ruthlessly cut out things like Friends features, used DVD sales.

I'm surprised the reaction here is so negative. Working for large companies the theme is usually waste, and inept decision making. This is a result of the size of the decision apparatus. I would think a lot of people here are fleeing that kind of a work environment or are at least aware of it.

Wearing a customer hat this sucks in the short-term, but perhaps pays off in the long-term if the internal decisions made are substantially sharper. Now you don't have meetings where people are wondering why stupid decision X was made, and the answer comes back 'because of this Y interaction with our legacy mail service' which has no long-term role to play.

It's hard to see from afar the complexity of the decisions that goes on at Netflix HQ every day. I don't think that's going to be appreciated when people are wearing their customer hats. Clearly, the short-term customer perspective is poor.

The problem I have with it is that it suggests a shift from customer focus to internal focus. That's certainly how they talk about it, and it's another kind of large-company error.

The happiest face I can put on this is that they've decided to focus on a specific kind of customer (the undemanding kind who will take whatever turns up on streaming) and kiss off the more discerning sort (who really valued the breadth of catalog, and didn't care as much about the medium). Which may or may not be a good business decision, but it's unsurprising that those customers are pretty cranky about it.

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