We are a now in a age where people are talking about building their own chips and phones because they don’t trust the commercial products to be secure. I have a feeling the Apple marketing org is less than thrilled about recent news. Also Google no doubt is looking for ways to capitalize on this. They already have the reputation of having security geniuses on par with the NGO group on their payroll
Also a lot of these exploits are buffer overflows. That’s a terrible back door because anyone could find it. If there were back doors it would be things like sharing the seeds to the RNG that generates their private keys or just giving access server side access. But they aren’t doing that because it’s dumb. And if the government already has back doors why would they purchase external tools? But as ever the best argument against the conspiracy is it would impossible to keep secret
Are you being sarcastic here?
Because that's exactly what any big corporation focused on profits over people would do.
Exactly that.
Take the money from the people and the money from big brother.
Win, win.