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> And what, is it your position that all the actions of hn founders are instrinsically above reproach?

That's got to be the mother of all strawmen. No, obviously, I do not.

But in this particular case it is about something that is very much the sort of thing that your average hacker would do given the opportunity. Hacker used in the 'old school' sense of: technically inclined person who likes to tinker with stuff and use it in ways unforeseen by the original creators.

It's what we live for.

> To be clear, i object to the notion that its wrong to criticize/debate the behaviour and ethics of others.

I'm fine with debate. I'm not ok with off the cuff judgments. Essentially the OP simply knew more about the device than the trade show staff (which, unfortunately isn't all that rare), they used the exposed user interface to do the sort of thing that it was supposed to be able to do because that capability was purposefully built in to it.

That they put it to a novel use is what makes it interesting.

> But in this particular case it is about something that is very much the sort of thing that your average hacker would do given the opportunity. Hacker used in the 'old school' sense of: technically inclined person who likes to tinker with stuff and use it in ways unforeseen by the original creators.

Sure. i don't disagree. I think that's rather orthogonal though.

I'm objecting to the notion that we should avoid lines of debate, not because they are wrong, but because they are "chilling". Uncomfortable truths usually are (without neccesarily claiming that this is one).

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