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There's a distinct writing style among today's tech entrepreneurs that becomes hard to stomach. Many blog posts have this authoritative and overly confident tone. It's only after an entrepreneur experiences success that they admit how they "did everything wrong." (see Suster, Mark) This pattern makes sense; as a startup CEO you need to always be selling. Once you "make it" it's hard to disabuse people of the notion you are competent.

Jason, as he'd probably readily admit, hasn't "made it" on this scale yet. That's what makes this post so courageous. At some point, Jason will be raising money for 42floors and a potential investor will ask him about Flightcaster. He won't be able to spin the story of Flightcaster in a way that makes him look like a dot com hero. I'm impressed that Jason put this out there.

I'd rather fund a guy that knows his limits than one that is unrealistically upbeat and over-confident.

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