Reminds me of a little battle I got into years ago at work. The thermostat covered like 4 or 5 offices, and they had given us a control to change it on an internal website. It would record your name when you changed it, and then make you wait like 10 minutes to change it again. When I first moved into the office, I noticed that there was a battle between two people that had it doing several degree swings all day long. I sent them both and email and proposed a truce with a temperature in the middle, and they agreed. A few weeks later I noticed the guy who preferred it warmer broke the truce. I do not like it warm. So I wrote a script that would reload the page, check if the temperature was above a certain number, hit the down button, wait 10 minutes, then repeat. Some time after that, it became obvious that the other guy had a script too. But his script had no timeouts in the loop. Eventually the people in charge of the internal site emailed me and asked me to stop. They said they only noticed I was using a script because the other guy's script was breaking the website, and they looked at the logs and saw my responsible script reacting to it all night long. My manager laughed and told me to make the script more human-like. The other guy gave up his temperature tyranny and I let it sit at the truce point again.