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That or they would turn to a model where they charge their users to post which would result in a reduction in content on its own without Facebook having to intervene or be held responsible for it. Only those who are really willing to stand by their content would be willing to pay (even if the fee is comparatively small). Networks of utter nonsense being posted and mindlessly reshared by large networks of bots and people who plainly don't care to fact check anything themselves would likely dry up.

Largely, there is a lot of misinformation spreading on Facebook that has harmful effects. Freedom of speech is tremendously important, but typically the tradeoff is that it comes with some personal responsibility / liability depending on who the speaker, the audience, the intentions of the speaker, and the effects of the speech on the audience. The current platform setup manages to shift that responsibility away from anyone. I think most reasonable people would agree with this, but perhaps many more people than I would think believe in limitless speech without consequences.

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