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For me my head, my hands and the environment is the capital which creates value.

Repeating your answer doesn’t help much. Have you studied any economics? Unfortunately, that’s not what capital means, it squarely contradicts the definitions of capital and of capitalism, and again, completely fails to answer the question. Communists have heads, hands, and environments. So do socialists, and feudalists, and aboriginal tribes, and, well, everyone. If you’re interested in learning how capitalism creates value, here are a couple of places you might start: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capitalism.asp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism

>>Communists have heads, hands, and environments. So do socialists, and feudalists, and aboriginal tribes, and, well, everyone.

Of course they do, but they aren't allowed to use them to their full potential.

I don't think you have read your own links. Hint: read the first sentence of your wikipedia link. And yes I have partially studied economics and have family members who are trained economists.

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