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Compared to today, where we do useless crap like making $5+ coffee cups or sort JIRA tickets or move numbers around from one database to another?

The assumption that a company cranking out an iPhone every year is inherently "better for the evolution of humanity" than more people writing or making videos is one I'd question.

Evolutionary pressure seems to mainly create animals that focus more plainly on food and reproduction than modern humanity, after all!

Except the tasks you name are manufacturing organizing, and preparing for workload. These are required tasks for a firm to meet their demand, even divorced from all other context and embedded in your specified tooling.

They are "required" in that they are useful to the business.

I'm suggesting that "useful to a business" is currently over-prioritized compared to "useful to an individual." (And yes, it's driven by consumers, but if one's basic needs were met without working 8+ hours a day, maybe those individuals would have different preferences.)

And I think the claim that it's evolutionary necessary for us to have today's model of firms and full time employment is particularly out there.

> And I think the claim that it's evolutionary necessary for us to have today's model of firms and full time employment is particularly out there

Perhaps it's been a long day, and for some reason I'm not seeing this?

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