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Because a society in which everything that needs to be done is getting done - is stagnating. A progressive society always discovers (or invents!) new things needing to be done. And somebody needs to do those things.

> Because a society in which everything that needs to be done is getting done - is stagnating

Is that really the worst thing in the world? In an age driven by hyper consumerism and buying new shiny iPhones and other gadgets, do we really need to do more? Can't we just be happy with our accomplishments as a human race and just enjoy? I for one would welcome a stagnant society.

Maybe us or other citizens of the West can be happy and enjoy our immensely affluent life styles but the great majority of the population of this planet is far from this level and quite eager to reach it. The planet cannot support that.

Also, humanity's eggs are currently all on one basket - we're one major cataclismic event from complete obliteration.

No, the challenges ahead require us to keep evolving, we cannot afford to stagnate.

> And somebody needs to do those things.

Or some machine...

If machines will be able to do the new tasks we invent and discover, then we are truly obsolete as a species and this whole discussion is moot.


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