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Genera idea is that goods and services get ever cheaper.

If your not overly picky (beans and rice) have gotten so cheap that world hunger is already a solved problem. Distribution less so.

If you can setup a Von Neumann machine that worked In the middle of the desert. eventually you could have hundreds of cities ready for move in. So very cheap.

Yet people need housing and healthcare, which is ever increasing in price.

Those are both problems of government over regulation.

I partly agree, but not completely.

In the case of healthcare, it's partly the cost of technology - a generation ago there were no MRIs, drugs were less complex, etc. The quality and outcomes have massively improved in many areas.

Even with housing, you have material costs and labor costs. Everyone talks about density, but if someone isn't working with a UBI, then they can live in the middle of nowhere. Most of the housing issues are really a personal choices and labor location.

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