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Woob: Web Outside of Browsers (woob.tech)
331 points by goranmoomin on Jan 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 122 comments

Something I've been thinking about lately is how browsers have essentially become a dependency for any sort of auth on the internet. Pretty much everything uses OAuth2, which requires you to be able to render HTML and CSS, and in many implementations JavaScript.

That's ~20M (Firefox) to ~30M (Chromium) lines of code as a dependency for your application, just for auth. This applies even if you have a slick CLI app like rclone. If you want to connect it to Google drive you still need a browser to do the OAuth2 flow. All of this just so we have a safe, known location to stash auth cookies.

It would be sweet if there was a lightweight protocol where you could lay out a basic consent UI (maybe with a simple JSON format) that can be rendered outside the browser. Then you need a way to connect to a central trusted cookie store. You could still redirect to a separate app, but it wouldn't need to be nearly as complicated as a browser.

While I absolutely share the philosophical concern, I do wonder how large of an issue this is in practice. On an IOT device, or a retrocomputing/hobbyist platform, you'd likely want to display a QR code and have the user authenticate with their phone, similar to how you log into Netflix on a smart TV.

As an aside, to my knowledge OAuth2 still works in PaleMoon. I just downloaded the source and did a count with CLOC, and it looks like there's "only" ~13.5M lines of code. :)

> On an IOT device, or a retrocomputing/hobbyist platform, you'd likely want to display a QR code and have the user authenticate with their phone, similar to how you log into Netflix on a smart TV.

It's a fair point, and there are specs[0] defined for these uses. Something like rclone could certainly do it this way if Google supports it on their end. But IMO the UX of browser-redirect OAuth is actually pretty dang good. I would like to have that available for CLI apps. What if you could literally import an ncurses library directly into your app and do the flow in-process? I'm not even sure if there's a way to do that securely but it would be sweet.

> As an aside, to my knowledge OAuth2 still works in PaleMoon.

That's going to depend completely on the OAuth2 implementation on the authorization server. It's completely up to the provider whether to require JavaScript or other features in order to render their consent page. Having a stronger specification of how to build those pages would offer more guarantees for interoperability.

[0]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628

> What if you could literally import an ncurses library directly into your app and do the flow in-process? I'm not even sure if there's a way to do that securely but it would be sweet.

I mean, the security of OAuth as a UX flow is that you're entering your username and password on the site you're authenticating with, not the intermediary. (And this is verifiable by looking at the address bar, insofar as that's a reliable option.)

I recall using an Electron app that did OAuth using its own web view, and despite being a fairly well-known app, I had some misgivings because I had no way of knowing if that Google login interface was actually Google's OAuth page or a mock-up generated by the app. (Not trying to spare the guilty here, I can't remember which app. Too many suspects.)

I don't see how you could avoid this problem with an imported ncurses library. Even if the requesting process launched a separate trusted binary to do the authentication flow, verifying that you were actually interacting with that program instead of a mockup is very far into the weeds of tech savvy, and at best is even slower than doing the process manually.

The only option I can see working is to have a dedicated OAuth app. You copy-paste some sort of request token out of the client, it prompts you for username and password, then it gives you a code to enter into the client. Basically the same as a how CLI apps negotiate OAuth now, except you never leave the terminal.

Not saying it's a better idea, just that it's the only one.

It's an issue because browsers keep getting bigger and more bloated, which encourages buying faster machines, which encourages consumption, the related production, and all the waste and pollution that come with it.

While this happens to be a great concern of mine, but I'd say it's a pretty different issue than the discussion of OAuth.

Although since we're here, discussing numbers of lines code—how much do you think web browsing performance has to do with browser complexity versus the websites themselves? I've always assumed the primary issue was the latter. Does e.g. Hacker News have higher system requirements in Chrome 97 vs Chrome 1.0?

Browser complexity worries me for other reasons—namely, the web isn't really a standard if there's only one implementation that matters, and because browsers are so complex, no one can really hope to create a new one.

> While this happens to be a great concern of mine, but I'd say it's a pretty different issue than the discussion of OAuth.

Well the problem is that OAuth providers will only give you your tokens if you go through impossibly complex websites

It's 100% the fault of websites - but websites allow themselves to get fat because browsers allow it, and because they allow it websites get even fatter. It's a codependent system. The medium makes the media etc...

I can only share your concern about having the monoculture we have in practice. Gemini is the best tool we have not only to escape this complexity, but hopefully put some sense into the mind of web designers.

> All of this just so we have a safe, known location to stash auth cookies.

> It would be sweet if there was a lightweight protocol where you could lay out a basic consent UI

This also feels like it should be a part of the OS, since it's "select user, input password, and maybe 2fa, store auth". It doesn't need a full-blown web-browser.

It does, however, needs a properly defined protocol.

Maybe someone needs to pull a "WireGuard for auth" and make a slick stripped-down implementation and spec and get it included in the kernel.

You don't need browsers for OAuth2. IIRC the 9front guys even have support for OAuth-based systems.

The OAuth2 standard doesn't require a browser, but basically every provider who implements it does.

>Pretty much everything uses OAuth2, which requires you to be able to render HTML and CSS, and in many implementations JavaScript.

I don't think this is true. My first (and last, yuck) foray into golang was forking and improving on a REST API client for Questrade[0]. I used it to write a bot that would alert me via push notifications on my phone when certain options contracts met favorable criteria, and despite the auth being OAuth2 the whole thing was hand-tooled in golang. No browser anywhere near it.

[0] https://www.questrade.com/api/documentation/getting-started

If I'm reading that correctly, it looks like you can download your first refresh token manually and then use that to get more tokens. I agree this is technically OAuth2. A more accurate way to articulate my point would be to say "for the services most people want to use, OAuth2 requires a browser".

>for the services most people want to use, OAuth2 requires a browser

Granted, but isn't it also true that the services most people want to use in general require a browser?

Totally, which is probably how we got here. But native apps have gotten very popular, and on every platform I'm aware of they have to launch out to a full browser view in order to authorize against anything.

Insightful, and good ideas.

That said: cookies may have been a mistake (opinion). I should back that up with more evidence, but until I can put a complete argument with evidence together -- that's all I would like to say on the matter for now.

Think of it this way: web browsers are ALLOWING oauth in the first place. Oauth only works when, when a user has to login, they do so in the oauth provider independently - so you need some sort of common dependency that works across all platforms, can execute code (JavaScript). Web browser are pretty much the only cooj denominator - unless you want each device (OS) manufacturer to have to provide their own auth which as a user is a worse solution.

There are alternatives to OAuth2 like client side TLS, but unfortunately they have terrible UI and keygen functions are being removed from browsers.

SSL cert auth is recognized by every major HTTP server and used by every major browser. Frankly I don’t understand how this still is or ever was an issue.

What part of OAuth2 requires browsers? You need to be able to handle JSON, but I'm pretty sure you don't need to be able to render anything.

Are you aware of any major services that don't require a browser?

That's…not the same question. But yes, I am. We have systems at work built on AWS Cognito and OpenID Connect, which is based on OAuth2. No browser is required, except to interface with the user. It's all HTTP and JSON underneath.

> No browser is required, except to interface with the user.

That seems like it's always required then. I think maybe I'm not understanding what you mean. Can you describe the flow in a bit more detail? I would be very interesting in doing OAuth2 without a web browser.

Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, the flow is probably going to require user consent via a browser. But that doesn’t mean the whole app has to be JavaScript, and I believe there are flows that are more suitable for clients that aren’t. And I’m not sure I see this as a downside, the whole point is that the frame of the site you’re authorizing through is trusted. There’s no easy way to replicate the security implications of what it’s doing without a browser.

Why stop at browsers, the OS is a dependency for your app too

Essential vs accidental complexity.

Most content on the web is static text, audio, and video, and shouldn't need a Rube Goldberg virtual machine to consume. I've been advocating splitting the web into the "document web" (ie the web as it was originally conceived) and the "app web" (which is cool and useful but a different thing) for a while now. There should be two different programs for consuming them.

And to your point, if simple web browsers became useful again, maybe simple operating systems would be viable once more, further reducing the dependencies involved.

Not really. The set of systems calls needed to run your app is usually very small and precisely specified.

I like the idea of this. There's so much information on the web, but we still need a way to bring that information to other applications, without being tied to a particular source. That was really the dream of the semantic web, after all.

This kind of idea would be really nicely paired with good Microformats[1] support, which continues to be a very good idea. That way we can find, say, a recipe or an address on a web page in a reusable way and without needing magical heuristics.

(Of course, "reusable" in theory, with the caveat that everybody forgot about microformats around when Google decided they could machine learn their way out of everything).

[1] http://microformats.org

One problem is that it takes a lot of work and effort to build any of the valuable hubs where people post information.

Ever try to start a forum? It's a monumental task with no guarantee of success. You may even need to employ people to grow and maintain one.

And once you've finally grown one of these hubs that accumulates recipes, lyrics, real estate listings, classifieds, etc. (whatever you had in mind) there's no incentive to make it as easy as possible to share it with the world. Once you get over "ugh, everyone just wants to make a buck", there's the fact that it wasn't free to build and maintain the platform to begin with. And perhaps the only incentive to build the platform was the idea that people would pay for the value.

Or, who is supposed to do the work of curating and organizing all of this information and then producing an API so that others can build on it, and why haven't they started? There are probably some inconvenient truths in the answer beyond cynicism.

Ha, I'm trying to start a data ownership forum now. My approach has been to have it be a central place for support for all my open source projects. We'll see how that works out.

> data ownership forum

Care to share or explain more? Sounds awesome.

That's pretty much the whole tweet! Feel free to join us:


> I like the idea of this. There's so much information on the web, but we still need a way to bring that information to other applications, without being tied to a particular source.

I'm not sure I'm interpreting you correctly here, but I think I'm on the other side of this. The problem is that many modern websites are godawful. I think the story pretty much ends there. If websites were not awful, we wouldn't find ourselves appalled by the idea of just embedding a browser.

Modern web browsers feature a 'reader mode' as a countermeasure to that much modern web design is significantly worse than having no web design at all.

If you're serious about a 'lightweight' alternative to the lumbering horror-show of the modern web, the way forward is either Gemini [0], or a formalised simple subset of HTML. [1]

> That way we can find, say, a recipe or an address on a web page in a reusable way and without needing magical heuristics.

I think the find and reusable aspects here are really two very different problems.

The reusable part is easy. HTML is already reusable. A standardised simple subset would be even more so. [1]

The find part is trickier. Discovering decent content is harder, as there's an arms race of ad-funded spammers trying to out-compete legitimate recipe sites in search-engine rankings. (There's also the possibility of search engines not being motivated to work on delivering good search results. [2])

The idea of having a choice between native GUI applications and web apps, has been with us for some time. Email is probably the best example, we've long had the choice between webmail and native email clients. Beyond webmail, these days even Microsoft Word has a web-based version. There are of course both advantages and disadvantages to web-based applications.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23730408

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29291392

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29772136

> Discovering decent content is harder, as there's an arms race of ad-funded spammers trying to out-compete legitimate recipe sites in search-engine rankings

I wonder if we even need the search engines? I think a lot of the things we've come to rely on them for could easily be handled in other ways. Recipes for example. You don't really want the best recipe page for a given dish. You want a good quality recipe site that has a recipe for that dish. Quality of recipe sites ebb and flow as they sell out and incentives change, but generally you would probably only need to be aware of the top 2-3 sites. This is exactly the type of information that is easily stored as "tribal knowledge" on a subreddit, forum sticky, community wiki, or even blasting out to your Facebook friends "hey what's everyone's favorite recipe site?"

How do you know someone uses Gemini? They'll tell you the moment they can! Like the vegans of the web...

I didn't want to register for a gemini group just to ask this, but I looked at it from a webdev point of view just long enough to notice there was no evidence of any way to implement a "save comment" or "type in search" feature, basically as if gemini was entirely reduced to mostly static websites with no forms of any kind possible.

Is that an accurate assessment?

> I didn't want to register for a gemini group just to ask this

You actually don't need to. Gemini is a client-server architecture just like the web. You can grab a Gemini client, or use some of the web portals out there that make a server-side Gemini request and render the result to the browser.

> or "type in search" feature

There is a limited form of input allowed, but this input shows up as a query parameter essentially. This is how you can do search or offer some form of interactivity and how the current Gemini search engines/crawlers work.

> basically as if gemini was entirely reduced to mostly static websites with no forms of any kind possible

Again Gemini does allow limited forms, but it only accepts a single query parameter as input. You can, of course, parse the parameter however you choose, but the general culture is that there's very little interactivity and most everything is a static page.

Also entirely possible that I'm misunderstanding both of you, but I think what the parent comment was imagining was something like common schemas (like schema.org[1]?) for content that is currently around the web and encased in the challenging web design you mention.

With common (and evolving) formats -- and incentives for publishers to provide their information within those formats -- we could then have much simpler, more streamlined tools to use and remix that data in application-specific ways.

[1] - https://schema.org/docs/full.html

Funnily, Google has pushed websites to add more structured data into their html for crawling..

Seems it's used for SEO hackinge. For instance on recipes why wouldn't a site give their recipe a super high rating. Those sites are awful SEO spam adservers basically.

But business info that can be used to map seems pretty valuable to google.


It's not as easy as faking metadata of 5* user ratings of your own content. If it ever was, that technique is no longer useful and likely to lead to losing rank.

Google uses a subset of schema.org, validates it according to its own stricter specification and extends it in other ways. It doesn't naively consume everything you provide. For example [1]

> If the Recipe structured data contains a single review, the reviewer's name must be a valid person or organization. For example, "50% off ingredients" is not a valid name for a reviewer.

> Warning: If your site violates one or more of these guidelines, then Google may take manual action against it. Once you have remedied the problem, you can submit your site for reconsideration.

[1] https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structure...

Makes sense. And I'm sure they don't want to give too much away just helps SEO spammers even more

I love RSS and MQTT for this as a "good enough" method. There's a few QL choices for CRUD operations too. We're getting there, albeit slowly..

Wow! I actually love the idea of being able to interact with websites via a standard API rather being forced to use web-based UI they provide. It opens up a whole lot of possibles for things like alternate clients, standard UIs for interacting across multiple sites, etc. Also eliminates the possibility of sites engaging in annoying or abusive behavior by putting users in full control of the client rather than the site operator. Obviously it can't work for every site, but it's quite the interesting concept.

> I actually love the idea of being able to interact with websites via a standard API rather being forced to use web-based UI they provide.

For a while, people were pitching this as Web 2.0. It's also what RSS and podcasts still are.

Unfortunately, most of the websites we visit are revenue-generating and want to control their presentation.

> most of the websites we visit are revenue-generating and want to control their presentation

This project seems designed to work even without the cooperation of the sites you're interacting with; all the site-specific modules are maintained by the community. Adversarial interoperability at its finest.

In extreme cases, one could imagine a module running a full headless browser on the back-end, pretending to be a user scrolling around and clicking stuff, while presenting the actual user with a clean front-end.

Right. There are all kinds of great services that could be built on top of other peoples' web sites, but most sites want to own the relationship with their customer directly. And most of the great ideas for mashup services are predicated on the idea that the mashup will get most of the revenue, which is not going to fly with the underlying value providers. In an ad-supported web world, those who own the eyeballs call the shots.

It's a tricky problem. I just have to believe there's a way we can make the world work without ads at all. They're just gross. But I have no idea how that could happen.

I've had two ideas related to this in the past that I've always wanted to prototype:

- A social media website without a frontend. We just provide a fully exposed API and Oauth, and devs can create their own client to interact with the social network. This would give devs the freedom to create their own experiences without locking users into one specific way of using the social network.

- "Cloud" content hosting as a service. You'd be able to build your own frontend for interacting with a website / blog, and then include our JS code and your site's content will automatically be populated in. This would keep the frontend clean, simple, and cheap, while offloading posts, comments, and other advanced functionality to the service.

Of course both are purely experimental ideas, with no potential real world meaning :D

You just invented Web 2.0!

Not being a jerk but this concept was one of the major ideas behind Web 2.0 but fizzled out. Services would provide data endpoints that your user agent (browser or whatever) would tie together. Even your identity was just a bunch of meta tags in the headers of your web page pointing to things like FOAF or OPML files that linked to people you knew or sites you liked.

Your User Generated Content would just be your blog posts that could be easily followed by someone with an RSS reader. Things like photos or videos would work the same way as someone would just follow your Flickr feed (which you could point to with a metatag on your homepage.

The key takeaway was that everyone would host their own data, deciding what to publish or make public, and then smarter clients (other sites or apps) would collect this information and do whatever graph analysis you wanted.

But normal people do t want to run their own servers and tying disparate services together is non-trivial. So we got UGC but it was/is hosted on social media sites. They made it easier to put together an online presence than self-hosting everything.

For your first idea around social media, while not 100% exactly what you cited, the fediverse sort of already provides for that...Well, specifically the ActivityPub protocol (and couple of other protocols) enable such functionality...and frankly there are numerous (yes, not just 1 or 2, but numerous) server implementation which further enable numerous desktop and mobile clients to interact with content...all federated/sort of decentralized. If you've heard of mastodon, then they tend to capture most of the mindshare, but there are many other servers and clients...and there are reportedly millions of people on the fediverse around the world...so we're sort of already where you would like to be. ;-)

I'm sure there are many sites which help provide better context for the fediverse, but here, check this one out: https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse


> A social media website without a frontend. We just provide a fully exposed API and Oauth,

Take CouchDB and store all activities as ActivityStreams documents.

> "Cloud" content hosting as a service.

"Headless CMS" is the term you are looking for, and it is already a big industry https://jamstack.org/headless-cms/

For the social media part that existed; see https://socialize.dmonn.ch/

It has fallen out of fashion tho.

this sounds perfect for https://www.deso.org/ social network code

Isn’t this the company that did “log in with seed phrase”?

That’s the one but look deeper. Nader has a vision.

In a way you’re describing how browsers should work.

> Also eliminates the possibility of sites engaging in annoying or abusive behavior by putting users in full control of the client rather than the site operator. Obviously it can't work for every site, but it's quite the interesting concept.

That’s the job of the User Agent after all, acting on behalf of the user.

I actually love the idea of being able to interact with websites via a standard API rather being forced to use web-based UI they provide.

That's what HTTP is. You're free to write a client that isn't a browser that sends and receives the same API messages as any HTTP client app does. Most people use browsers, but there's also things like iOS and Android apps that consume the same APIs as browsers, or Postman that directly communicates with the APIs, etc.

The APIs that sit in top of HTTP are even sort of standardized in the sense that HTTP verbs mean the same everywhere (in theory, but some devs get it wrong.)

Thr only hard bit that no one has really solved in a nice way is how you discover the APIs in the first place. There's things like WSDL but it's horrible.

GraphQL schemas almost seem like the least worst current option and I'm not entirely happy to be saying that.

Isn't this just what Electron provides?

Believe it or not, around the turn of the century there were many thick client apps. But back then it was a challenge to ship and update these applications. This pain, along with the continued rollout of broadband led many to advocate for creating applications that would run in a web browser while being controlled on centralized servers. In practice, turning the platform that was designed to render markup text into an application host. This would allow applications to be shipped and updated with little interaction from the user.

However, right about the same time web apps were taking over the world there were thick client apps that were solving the problems of installation and and updates. Two of the prominent thick client applications doing this were iTunes and the browsers themselves.

Now fast forward a decade to the early teens and the ubiquitous use of smart phones. What is the single largest determining factor of platform success? Is it the ability for web apps to render on your platform's web browser or is it the breadth and depth of your platform's app store?

My rant is over, I wish web apps would die. I've wished that for most of the 21st century.

This is an interesting observation. I hadn't noticed this dynamic before; thanks for sharing.

The current differences in attitudes between mobile and non-mobile apps is pretty interesting.

If you visit Reddit or Twitter from a browser that's running on a mobile OS then they make it extremely clear that they would prefer that you use a dedicated app. When visiting from a non-mobile OS not only do you not see such messages, but a dedicated app doesn't even exist.

In one place the browser is good enough to be the only option, in the other it's so inferior that they will bully and harass you until you stop using it.

True. That's actual a market gap! Build a mobile browser so good it can replace apps.

> Now fast forward a decade to the early teens and the ubiquitous use of smart phones.

An interesting thing happened here as well - because of the iOS app store and its auto-update policy, "thick" clients came back in vogue again. It just happened that they're running on phones, not full PCs. I'd argue these count as thick client apps. :-) Consider WhatsApp or WeChat - it has a complete and full ecosystem of messaging, apps, and utility function. It actually (I think) supercedes AOL 2 or 3 in terms of functionality. There's DMs, Chat, Apps...

This is.... bizarre. And I like it?

At first I thought this was like an API to integrate web content into your own apps. But now it looks more like Groupware, in the sense that Woob is actually your user interface and there are just modules to consume content from random websites.

It goes back to the old idea where you would have one dedicated desktop application for each thing you wanted to do on the internet, like read news, send mail, listen to music, view a calendar... turning your computer into a utilitarian appliance. Rather than a portal for businesses to spend a lot of time and money building their own dedicated user interfaces to lock you in. The latter has made life more difficult, where we have to constantly learn every business's new interface, there's always competition between missing features, and the dedicated UI (or platform) becomes a way for the business to squeeze more out of the user.

And there are no ads. I just realized there's an entire generation who have never seen technology without advertisements. I wonder what they'd make of this.

Re: that last part. We’re probably thinking of different generations, but I agree. Demographics from a random unreliable source:

   Age vs ad blocker usage (female, male)
   16-24 43.2%, 49.2%
   25-34 43.0%, 47.6%
   35-44 38.4%, 44.8%
   45-54 33.5%, 39.1%
   55-65 32.1%, 37.3%
Those poor boomers. They grew up watching ads on every cable television channel and now they watch ads on every YouTube video.


Ageism at it's finest.

Interesting to see Woob here. Most of the modules are for french environment (banks, dating websites, job boards ...). I always liked the irreverence of the module's names and logos (which are authentic MS Paint piece of work).

My first guess was this had something to do with legal nonsense, and I guess I was right:

> If provided, icons are preferred to be parodic or humorous in nature for legal reasons, however there are no restrictions on the quality or style of humor.


Yes, but I think they are, also, just for making fun of some brands.

Because, also a fun fact : this project changed its name recently, it was called Weboob before: https://weboob.org

I remember weboob, and all the amusing names of the various pieces. Unfortunate that the (French) humour was killed by political correctness.

It's not “political correctness” which killed the humor, in fact the humor was there by accident and at the beginning the creator of the project found that funny, so it stuck for a while

> When weboob was started in 2010, 11 years ago, the name was chosen, without a hidden agenda, since as a French speaker, "boob" wasn't part of my vocabulary.

> Following its release and the ensuing reactions, during its first years, the project was complemented with various provocative elements (icons, application names, English slurs in the code). This was done with the sole motive that at that time, it was seen as "fun".

But when the project gained traction he realized that the name was probably not appropriate for people building business apps with it, which he wanted to support.

> But in practice, it's been years the project isn't following this approach anymore, it's used as an essential building block of professional companies, the provocative elements are progressively removed, and the professionnalisation[sic] question is being raised.

Source: Weboob will become woob − https://lists.symlink.me/pipermail/weboob/2021-February/0016...

> since as a French speaker, "boob" wasn't part of my vocabulary.

I think this sentence has been carefully constructed to be kind of true. The original author certainly knew what "boob" mean at the time. And the name "weboob" was voluntarily chosen as a pun. Now if you ask him maybe he will deny (I have other memories, but who cares) or maybe he will simply say that we do not use "boob" on a day to day basis in french so the pun seemed completely inconsequential.

But frankly, that's not a big deal, and nobody gives a shit to begin with. Everybody has been young, and some big bosses of far bigger companies have way more annoying histories. As for his company "budget insight", IIRC they already had contracts with some banks when it was still called "weboob" with even more terrible module names available.

Perhaps cf. the theorem-proving assistant Coq, in which case the authors almost certainly knew exactly what they were doing, the idea apparently being that it is good and proper for Anglocentrism to make us uncomfortable in light of superior French scholarship. Still, the community has been quietly mulling a name change for a while [1].

[1] https://github.com/coq/coq/wiki/Alternative-names

> I think this sentence has been carefully constructed to be kind of true. The original author certainly knew what "boob" mean at the time.

Maybe, but not certainly. Do not assume too much English proficiency in France in 2010. It has changed a lot in the past decade, with most of the French hacker spaces disappearing or fusing in the global internet, but I still remember the 2000s, when we were hanging around in French IRC channels or forums.

Are you suggesting "political correctness" is the only reason someone might be discouraged from installing a program named after toilet humor and juvenile references to specific parts of the anatomy? I've let my kids watch plenty of children's movies with fart jokes in them, but I still don't want to hear more of that when I'm trying to use a tool to access a banking service. It seems there's even still a banking module with a crude poop icon: https://woob.tech/applications/bank.html

Doesn't really inspire confidence in their professionalism or trustworthiness with handling financial transactions, if you ask me.

I see your point, but "professionalism" brings to mind things like enterprise software, which is not exactly great either. It's sterile, but just as bug-ridden and user-hostile/difficult to use.

Quirky naming and crude humour can be orthogonal to functionality.

Je suis française et cet humour était vraiment merdique

Je suis Française et je trouvais ça drôle.

The 6th contributor's (nick)name, can be translated to something like "Fuckthewhores", with a play on words with Belzebuth

Good on them. I really disliked the old name.

Unless my brain isn't parsing it right, that dating icon is both funny and NSFW.

aum or happn?

This has Bloomberg terminal / minitel vibes. I think there's definitely a space for an alternative browser that can render guis with visually consistent widgets.

It's like a peek at an alternative Internet where Gopher won instead of WWW.

There has been a desire to go back to older days where text was more prevalent, and so Gemini has begin and is gaining popularity - though I'm sure very slowly. See: https://gemini.circumlunar.space/

Also, separately (though i wouild not be surprised if frequented by same/similar folks who have interets in Gemini), there is also the tildeverse...again, more text-heavy environments. See: https://tildeverse.org/

And, as i have stated in another comment there is the fediverse (e.g. Mastodon, pleroma, etc.), so the ability to leverage APIs to interact with other folks and their content without explicitly needing a typical web browser exists, and flourishes.

I'll end by stating that there are a few exciting things - like the above items i mention as well as this neat Woob platform - which to me seem very fun, a little new, and yet at the same time in some ways nostalgic...maybe they won't make the morning news, and likely only attract geeks, but it is all still exciting - at least for me!

The tildeverse looks pretty cool, but why does it redirect me to a Rick Roll on Firefox?

I can see the normal site just fine on Lynx browser (maybe that's the point?)

Edit: ah, I see, they're doing a JWZ and redirecting based on referral, but going a step further and setting a cookie. Cute, but also terribly immature.

Oops, sorry about that. I never had an issue before...but funny after visiting HN, see exactly what you mean. (Clearing the cookies avoids the classic rick roll video). Anyway, yeah i guess the tilde folks are "characters". But, separate of that, the community i've interacted with is quite fun, respectful, and good-natured. I also failed to mention a sort of equivalent to HN, which i frequent (with similar topics to HN but often nicer crowd): https://tildes.net/

...Tilde.net used to be only open to invite not open to anyone creating an account...so if interested - and still not open to the public - i can trigger to send you an invite.

This is so cool. A custom client for websites. Essentially a web scraper with a GUI on top. You can define your own user experience instead of accepting what they designed for you.

A while back I heard about Z39.50 [0], a protocol that libraries use for their catalogs. In the 90s it seems there were native clients for the protocol so that one could interact with the library catalog without using a web interface. A lot of the current web interfaces are terribly slow JS monstrosities now so I'd like to try something faster.

I never did figure out if any of the GUI clients [1] are still actively developed and I'd appreciate if anyone who knows about this could point me towards a good client.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z39.50

[1] Some software listed here: http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/resources/software.html

The most well-known Z39.50 using software that still works is a paid citation manager called EndNote (the desktop client not the web client). You can ingest PDFs with that software too. I don't think the open-source Zotero has added that feature yet. Z39.50 is clunky, and our old LMS (library management software, used behind the scenes) can pull in MARC records for our staff when we order books, but I don't even want to think about the security.

France just can't shake the Minitel, that's for sure.

Not sure I understand the Minitel reference. This tool adds APIs to sites that don't have one. It's made to easily use your data. Sure you can use the CLI part of it, but that's only a small part of the story.

was thinking the same thing ;)

I've been playing with it, but I keep running into errors. E.g.:

in woob-weather, with weather.com backend, I've been getting "Error(weather): 401 Client Error: Unauthorized";

in woob-gallery, with imgur backend, when I attempt to download an image the module crashes with "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''"

I like the idea though and I'll keep trying further.


Update: I resolved the image-gallery problem by specifying the foldername (so: using "download ID 1 foldername" instead of "download ID"). BUT: it looks like I'm unable to download text descriptions that sometimes accompany the images.

I think a version of this is what the internet needs but using headless browsers from the client and with a somewhat-centrally curated set of scraper "recipes" if you will. Basically a community curated/updated set of scraper logic per site (yes some trust is required) that essentially provides JSON data and/or APIs based on the site. Even just a neutered HTML equivalent of sites (e.g. amp w/out the Google and ads stuff) would be good.

Since it is all client side, it can be dubbed a "browser" not a "scraper" and one might hope popularity is high enough that active blocking of it is blatantly user hostile. Granted one hopes that, like EasyList and uBO and others have shown, the community can outpace site owners. Not appearing headless (tunneling captchas, literal mousemove events in pseudo-random human-like ways, etc) should be doable.

It's something I have thought about and once dubbed "recapitate" (https://github.com/cretz/software-ideas/issues/82) and plan to revisit. I have seen many versions of this attempted. We need to encourage shared data extraction tools.

This is great. In my ideal world all the web should be like this.

Been using web outside of browser for last 10+ years. I am addicted to it, having written many scripts and programs to fetch and process HTML and other filetypes outside the browser. I can retrieve and extract data/information much faster and more efficiently using simpler programs that are small and work together. For viewing HTML, I prefer my text-only browser. HTML looks much better, less variable, more uniform, than in a graphical browser. The only reason these methods are appealing to me is because the alternatives are so unappealing. I avoid having to deal with the downsides of using "modern" web browsers and the annoyances of trying to view the web through those browsers.

Reading the linked site and some of the discussion, I highly recommend finding your nearest Chinese friend or person and getting authorized on Wechat. Its a whole parallel other internet! Kinda similar to how a private set of Facebook pages are otherwise inaccessible with an account, except in a parellel reality where people use them for all business and have no other internet presence.

Yes, as a user another government gets to read your posts, but I mean yet another.

To get on, I literally just knocked on a few doors in San Francisco and got authorized, so many people here can too. You could probably do it at a park.

Note: Hong Kong citizens cannot do it for US citizens even I was trying. Has to be a mainland Chinese person.

As a wechat user(I made my account during a study abroad in China) I think one of the most interesting feature is the mini programs. They're basically javascript applets within wechat with their own API that do whatever an html5 website can do, but specifically integrated with the platform making account registration and payments more frictionless than even "login with facebook"/Apple Pay. For example you may have heard of their bike share(Mobike), uber equivalent(Didi), and grubhub equivalent(ele.me). For Chinese users, these are not simply separate phone apps, but actually accessible within WeChat so they never even have to tab out.

Yeah its really impressive! Many western services try to replicate it but the breadth and depth is unmatched

Weibo is a heavily censored and manipulated platform. The CCP uses it to track dissidents abroad.

Do not install or operate on any trusted device. Do not connect to your home network. Do not store personal details on your weibo device. Do not ever send sensitive information or talk to real contacts on Weibo.

As you know, it is not possible to separate corporate China from government China due to the structure of that system so no analogy exactly works, but our day to day experience is exceedingly similar as we rely on heavily censored and manipulated private platforms. Although we retain options to express ideas, there is not enough saturation of other people to view those ideas except to participate on heavily censored platforms and risk complete deplatforming. Its an almost daily topic here, for example.

So the user experience on a Chinese service is simply not different enough for me to treat it differently.

I'm someone who is heavily critical of Facebook and Twitter.

However there is a world of difference between sloppily shutting down vaccine or election misinformation, and actively censoring a Tennis star reporting a sexual assault by a politiburo member.

There is a world of difference between taking down shit talking politicians twitter profiles, and actively censoring the genocide of an ethnic minority.

Ads that slurp up personal data are bad. Threatening political dissidents abroad directly is incomparable.

To say "well they are all the same bad" is to be willfully blind to the basic facts.

[1] - https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/03/what-...

[2] - https://www.thecut.com/2021/12/the-disappearance-of-peng-shu...

> To say "well they are all the same bad" is to be willfully blind to the basic facts.

Haha I’m not saying that, I’m saying it has nothing to do with my participation in those platforms because I know what to expect and my lack of participation changes nothing.

My words are the user experience is not different enough.

For everyone else, check out that great robust example of a web outside of browsers.

Wouldn't a person need to understand Chinese? or is wechat English?

The settings will be in English and there are pages and chat rooms you can find. It is mostly Mandarin though. If you are in any particular niche you might be able to follow since the memes and reactions are familiar. You can also chat with other people in English if they know it, some of your friends probably already uploaded your contact info there so when you make an account you’ll be connected with them even if you dont share access to your contacts - just like how Facebook and most other social apps work.

This is clever and fantastic. I have been pondering a similar concept recently and I think I would like to contribute. I'm curious as to why LGPL-3 was chosen as the license, though, not that the license is a show stopper.

One explanation might be that the project is mostly French, and the GPL/LGPL seems more popular in France than in the USA.

Also: woob - 1994 is one of the best ambient albums ever made.


Smaller as in essentially zero, and with a link back to this one.

An amusing detour.

Eons ago there used to be a type of service on the web that allowed you to send a URL to a mail server. It would fetch the content at that URL and email the article to you.

I can't for the life of me remember what that type of service was. It was back in the era of anonymous remailers.. any ideas?

I'm mainly interested Youtube functionality, and wanted to check if it was well maintained.

The developer was listed as Laurent Bachelier (https://github.com/laurentb). Searching him up, he unfortunately seems to have committed suicide a year ago. Bizarrely with some links to right winged political groups? (First result on google from "Laurent Bachelier")

My deepest condolences to the programmers of this project who have lost someone who I assume was a close friend and co-worker.

I do exactly the other way around on my smartphone: if there is a web app i won't install the app.

Browser is the new UI for 90% of GUI use cases, I'm all in, be it Electron or just the browser.

Written in python? So it's trash. I won't use it. I care about my time And nerves.

Not a single comparison to Sherlock/Watson? I always thought it was a great idea, because it allowed a consistent interface for theoretically finding anything on the internet.

but… why

Woobs out

woob woob woob! Battletech pulse lasers anyone?

Good example of another solution without a problem.

Really? You ever tried automating your own data from e.g. your bank? Cos I have, and it's a lot more annoying that it should be.

Woob does a lot more than just banks. It allows you to get any of your data. Adding additional providers is piss easy too.

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