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http://www.electronista.com/articles/10/08/20/forrester.sees... Estimated 14% of the US wants to buy an iPad

http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2011/09/13/survey-shows-unpreced... see exhibit 4 - 85% of the tablet buyers intend to buy an iPad.


the status quo may not stay the status quo for long... especially with people slowly admitting that, at least for moms and grandmas, tablets may be much more in line with their needs.

Paul Graham was even just on stage talking about how Microsoft likely doesn't see how bad its going to get for them...

PG stays in his wonderland where Microsoft is no longer relevant. He said that a few years ago already. Microsoft still made billions of dollars selling windows in those years.

Same is the case with the surveys above. Everybody wanted to buy an iphone until android came along...

The interesting thing is that consumer surveys still show more people want to buy iPhones. But they walk out of stores with considerably more Android phones than iPhones.

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