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Webkit has 246,027 commits

gecko has 782,002 commits

chromium has 1,080,253 commits

To help you understand the magnitude/impact of this difference, a single 100K commit difference account for more human resources than a whole native GUI framework (e.g cocoa, gtk 72,090 commits, QT ~80K) has received in its lifetime now multiply that by 8 and you get an idea of how obscolete webkit is regarding human resources. They might ? have hired more devs recently but if true, it's already a decade too late.

finally the gradient is not closing.. ten time less weekly commits: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/pulse https://github.com/chromium/chromium/pulse

Are you seriously going to make an argument on the relative investment each browser engine gets based on how many commits they have?

Are you seriously gonna ignore that pulse also shows the diffs (additions/deletions) and that corroborate with commit rate. Moreover I have expertise in web features, i have read a big chunk of chromestatus.com features and the gap between chromium and webkit is even bigger than the gap between chromium and gecko. Finally the most meaningful metric is: webkit: ~60 developers worked on it this week, chromium: >700 developers The gradient gap is pathetically big

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