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If that troll had built the bridge.

Getting things to market is a lengthy endeavour, a long term project with many stages.

Finding land, that is suitable, renting the land, matching the crop to the land, acquiring the seeds, planting, watering, weeding for many months. Losing crops due to weather, harvesting, storing (renting a structure to store in), preparing for transport.

Then transporting them to market, then selling them etc.

A bridge the cart crosses twice (once to and once from market) provides perhaps 1% of the necessary effort.

If Apple charged 1% of revenue, or perhaps 5% of profit, that might be fair for the bridge.

Many/most things have expenses nearly matching revenue, so their profit is low. If it costs $90 to hire land, hire a shed, hire a cart, hire labour, get wiped out by weather sometimes, hire a market stall, hire market sellers and so forth, and your revenue from the sales is $100, then your profit margin is 10%. Apple would honestly be asking too much at 30% of profit. But in this situation Apple is taking 30% of REVENUE.

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